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Wednesday, October 03, 2007
a dream of mom

I know I rarely post a blog entry but I thought I would write this one down.
For those that don't know, my mom died when I was 14 (in 1985) and somehow she is still very much alive to me. I made her promise that if she could visit me, that she would. Okay, now to tell you my recent dream.
My dreams of mom almost always start the same, she arrives at the house and rings the doorbell. She had 2 suitcases and someone dropped her off. She was standing at the door when I went to open it and she said she missed us and decided to come back. (since it's a dream--I think nothing of it, and let her in. But I guess I would in real life too....)
So we go on with our normal life, mom stays home to babysit our 2 kids and John and I go off to do something. He went one way and I went the other. Mom decided that her and the kids would clean up while we were gone.
When I return I'm met by Rachel at the door and she proudly says, "Mama we've really been cleaning..." Inside I see the piano is now between the dining room and living room window, John's tv cupboard in gone and so is the big flat screen tv. Inside the clean living room I see Shawn sitting and eating in front of the basement tv (a box set in a cabinet) and the living room set up the way it was before we remodeled (knick-knack shelves on the right not left side of the room).
I ask Shawn what's going on and he says "changes" Then mom starts in saying we much watch way too much tv and did I even know how many movies John keeps stored under the tv. I asked her where my big screen was, and was told she packed it away in the basement. "Tv's should be small, so you don't watch so much of it" she says.
By the time John got home, Shawn and I had cleared the pool table off in the basement. (Note that it's been holding boxes of things for years instead of seeing some playing time.) Also Alex must have had 3 baths by this time as mom has decided to keep that child clean. Rachel was upstairs helping mom do dishes.
Then mom tells us that she's decided to see a doctor. I told her that our doctor was nice. She says "no, I found one myself and he's in Medford." MEDFORD we all say. "Mom do you know how far Medford is from here?" She tells us that one of us is going to take her to see her new doctor in Medford as he comes highly recommended (by who we don't know) and one of us is going to drive her there.
What a dream!
I told John it seemed so real I can't even believe it. Whenever I dream about her, they seem like they really happened. Strange? Weird? or whatever... I love her and like dreaming crazy dreams of mom w/us as a family. :)
thought I'd share!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Master's degree -sem1 week 4

At times I think I have ended a vortex of term papers. Although John reminds me that "term papers" normally are written 1 time a semester not weekly. Maybe be the time this semester will end I will feel confident that I can actually write a good research paper. We'll soon see.
The difference between online classes and correspondence classes? Online classes make you read other people's weekly question answers and reply like you really care. Technically you answer 3 a week, and most people do the bare minimum in this class. So I wonder if people will actually read the other posts once they have responded to their 3 required posts? Doubt it.
Price is another BIGGIE difference, although I don't think I am getting $7,000 worth of learning. I think internet classes feel like diploma mills at times just because of the lack of feedback from other students, instuctors, and the school admin. Sad that most of the people that go on for higher education have the personality of a tack, so that interacting with them on anything outside of the classroom is almost nil. I don't think when most even posted their bio that they included their hobbies. (I live to explore new hobbies and embrace the free time that I can enjoy doing my favorite hobbies.)
Week 4 --history.....
onward to the next one.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
goodbye to a loved pet, Pearl
These are pictures of our beautiful dog Pearl.
Pearl got very sick today, and after 2 vet visits...Pearl passed away.
She was a great sport and loved everyone. She loved to howl at the train noise. She played super with the kids and will be forever missed.
September 22nd--at the age of 8...
We'd call her: "Pearl, Pearl, Pearl"
and she's whimper and call over to sit really close and want to cuddle.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
say what you mean

I belong to a "Christian Writers Group" --they'd say they are nonprofit but have no paperwork with the state or federal that says that. Then they plan a fundraiser, although they say it's a writer's seminar. I have openly rejected the idea from the beginning, but somehow got talked into making nametags and a few other computer things. I went last night to bring them the info, and you should have seen it.
There were tables and tables of items for sale. So I go home to see what the books are selling for and they are about $10 more than CBD or Amazon! Why are they so much more? One was selling higher than retail. These were "put out my the author as references..." I was told. Too bad that person isn't a member, isn't coming to our event, but wow we are going to sell her stuff at a profit?
If you want an open market sale --have one. Don't call it a seminar if you expect a cover charge, then plan to pass the bucket, and then over charge people for books. Oh, and then bat your eyes and say you are Christians who aren't making a profit off the event. Yeah right!
Why do I care? Because how is this different that the money changers of Jesus' time? I don't see it as any different. Although these are the same godly people that will make me feel guilty that I do a Christmas Vendor Sale because I make money selling products during the holidays. Yeah, well I pay taxes on my stuff and claim it as income. I think their way is illegal, and I'm going to call the state and ask them this next week.
Also why would you pay an author premium (big city) top dollar to come up here to a rural area and then allow them to market all kinds of their products? Amazingly enough I went to see "Big Al" a wonderful MLM (multi-level marketing) guy in Milwaukee, it was put on by the regional Avon manager and we paid $5 to get in, then he sold his tapes for $100 a set. He made his money off of his stuff, not on both ends. Isn't that the way most do it? (Unless they are famous...but I don't think the bookstores pay Bill Clinton to sit in their stores selling his books.)
Hell, if all else I am going to start a group, do a couple fundraisers in the name of God and tuck the money into my mattress. Gee if it's okay with them, why can't everyone do that? Then no one will pay income taxes and/or file the paperwork to become a nonprofit organzation. I guess they might as well do raffle tickets without a raffle number as well.
Wouldn't it be more appropriate if people were honest? Why hide behind lies when you can be totally truthful and say it's a writer's open house where we plan to SELL stuff.
I refused to go today because I do not think that's the purpose of this group, nor it should be. Since the leader is self-appointed, you can't even ask for her to step down. I wonder how many people actually knew enough to bring serious money with them to buy their products (maybe it was a complete bust!) as I would have assumed that my cover charge would have been enough. I mean shouldn't handouts be free?
Yeah, here I am again, standing my own ground. I live by extremely high values and don't sell out too easily to others. Also if you say your group is Christian, then you better act like it or I'm going to jack you up one day.
Oh and before I hear that women are suppose to be submissive little housewives, I remind you that God made me this way and I'd expect that he wants me to yell "Foul!" when I see it. I'm bold, opinionated, and very direct but most people love me that way because I only have one face (compared to some that have 2 or more faces they wear).
This is my vent---and I'm sticking to it!
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Master's degree starts Sept 4th

Amazingly enough that I am starting my Master's degree in Leadership. It seems like the end of a tunnel that I am now in.
I remember a few years ago when I dated "L" who was working on his master's degree. I think he thought I was stupid and didn't appreciate the fact that I had to potential of earning my very own degree. Maybe when I get this done (18 months to the end) then I'll mail him a picture of me getting mine. HA!
It's been very inspirational that everyone cheers me on when I doubt myself that I can do this. Even though it starts today, it seems that I feel like I am already 2 weeks behind.
Note to self--next time, start reading the book ahead of time so that we can keep an edge on the competition.
I can do it!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Did you know I'm taking piano lessons?
I have been for almost a year now. I'm about at an intermediate level, although I don't claim to be great. I wonder if experts say they are experts?
Did Mozart know he was good? Hummm.
Okay I suck at keeping a blog, I'll try harder to keep it updated. I probably should have started a myspace blog anyways as this one has no readers. Oh well--I'll have to double post or post for people to come here and read it.
:) Maybe I'll actually have something interesting to say :)
time for bed
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Friday, May 25, 2007
Memorial Day
Friday, May 18, 2007
Friday, May 11, 2007
my flower garden :)
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Grampa Pops and kids
Sunday, February 11, 2007
MaMa's ladybugs
Celebrating Chinese New Year
Monday, January 22, 2007
Sunday, January 21, 2007
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