At times I think I have ended a vortex of term papers. Although John reminds me that "term papers" normally are written 1 time a semester not weekly. Maybe be the time this semester will end I will feel confident that I can actually write a good research paper. We'll soon see.
The difference between online classes and correspondence classes? Online classes make you read other people's weekly question answers and reply like you really care. Technically you answer 3 a week, and most people do the bare minimum in this class. So I wonder if people will actually read the other posts once they have responded to their 3 required posts? Doubt it.
Price is another BIGGIE difference, although I don't think I am getting $7,000 worth of learning. I think internet classes feel like diploma mills at times just because of the lack of feedback from other students, instuctors, and the school admin. Sad that most of the people that go on for higher education have the personality of a tack, so that interacting with them on anything outside of the classroom is almost nil. I don't think when most even posted their bio that they included their hobbies. (I live to explore new hobbies and embrace the free time that I can enjoy doing my favorite hobbies.)
Week 4 --history.....
onward to the next one.