Have you seen this movie? It's from Finding Nemo. The birds all say "mine."
I have noticed that life is a lot like this movie, unless it affects us, we stay numbt to the world and don't really see a need to help.
I recently sent a link out to some of my lists asking for them to help me win a contest. It's a popularity contest basically because your friends pick the winner. The winner either gets $1,000 or the grand prize is $10,000. I also added in my email that I was planning on using whatever the amount won would be towards bringing our little girl home from China. I had 2 lists become very angry because asking for help, doing fundraising, or talking about orphans bothers certain people. Not that I asked them to pay for anything, just to click on a link and take a moment of their time to help me try to win.
I watched in awe today to see a man walking down the street neck high in the water in New Orleans. I was there once for a convention. I can't imagine living in the astrodome until we were able to rebuild our home and lives. What about your job? Will it be there when the water goes away? Where do you get mail, or how do you overcome that kind of hardship?
Brett Farve ( a Packer hero in my area) has family there and he's bringing supplies personally down to help the people. I like that better than asking for CASH. Amazing people will help them, I felt the need to help too.....but what about our little girl in the orphanage?
She's cold, alone, and without medical assistance. She needs eye surgery as soon as we bring her home from China. She's just as much in need, maybe more because she has no one to comfort her and tell her everything will be okay.
Are some people so numb that they never care about others? I know not everyone has the same beliefs as I do.....but what about the ones that do? Some are cold and numb to helping others as well.
Maybe this is a test from God --who do we choose to help and why? Why did we help this one and not that one? I know we can't begin to help them all --as just one small person, but what if we all helped 3 people? Would that be enough, or would there still be more?
You are the real you --when no one is looking.
A real hero goes unsung.