Good Tuesday Morning!
(Well, I guess it's really the afternoon.)
I guess I want to talk about the power of the tongue today. I had this pep talk with my dad today. He's one to speak nasty or hateful things against his children (my brother and I). The thing is, he should speak well of us as we aren't bad people and have done quite well for ourselves. We both went to college and graduated, both are working, both are good citizens...and aren't druggies or living off of welfare.
Our pep talk included the saying: "if you don't have something nice to say, don't speak at all." John (my dh) says that's from the Bambi movie. I guess I don't remember that, maybe I'll have to find that tape and watch it tonight.
Evil can breed evil. Good can breed good. Ever heard "you are what you eat?" or "if you lay down with dogs you'll end up with fleas?" or maybe "do unto others as you'd have them do unto you?" I once heard the last one said "do it to others before they do it to you." I guess that's the wrong point on that Bible verse, isn't it?
What if we make good things happen by speaking happiness and love in our words and actions instead of living in the negativity. Doesn't it sound like I should hand you a flower and say "peace" right about now?
What if dad's speaking negative is some of the reasons things happen the way they do in this town? I know it's true. I'm a business owner in this town but if my dad says evil (some aren't worthy writing here) and people turn away from wanting to purchase items from me...evil wins.
The purpose of this blog is to try to uplift God in my daily life, maybe show others that Christians live normal lives too. Some think Christians live in bubbles.
Be blessed.
PS: I'm blessed to have a Heavenly Father who loves me, even when my earthly father is ashamed of me!