Tuesday, January 10, 2006

China adoption update --

Okay, so before I forget----a China adoption update.
Our paperwork was logged into China on Nov 22nd.
We were told by our agency it takes 8-12weeks afterwards before we find out when we are even going to China.

We are trying to wait patiently. Everyone keeps bugging me about going....I wish we'd know; I'd wish we'd go too.

No, we aren't a fraud. No, we didn't spend the money...
Yes, we really are planning on going. Yes, when we find out we will tell you, and we won't leave without saying first.

If I knew something I would say....I can't wait to know myself, but I don't know anything more.

No, we don't talk to her, or we have no new pictures to share. International adoption is very difficult because there is no communications. There are no updates. It's as if it doesn't matter to them. I guess children are looked at as a business, so they see no reason to send the new parents updates or pictures. Sad---but true.

We await the great day to announce we are going to bring her home....
I can't wait to know and schedule my life around that travel day, but as for now....we know nothing new.
