I was shocked that the local Evangical Magazine had an article in it about adoption with Steven Chapman. He did say some wonderful things. I like that he said "Adoption is a visible gospel --we were once without a name, without a hope and a future, but God took us in and called us His children." So if we're all adopted by God, then why are so many people almost anti-adoption in today's Churches?
He said that not everyone should adopt, but there are other ways to help out. It's nice to see that even he mentions that those that won't ever adopt should help those that are willing to do an adoption. Adoption is a ministry. I would hope that children are loved in all the homes that adopt. Jesus loved kids. I believe that if money were no object we'd have a bunch more.
We spoke up in church and told the whole church that we are really going to China. Everyone was like "it's about time." Yeah, it sure is. Although I have no new pictures or updates to share with anyone, we will have pictures once we go to get her!
Have a good week, I'm sure ours will be busy.
Pray for our finances and our travel arrangements.
May God open doors financially to help us pay for all our adoption expenses.