I'll have to find this poem and share it. It's written by a nun, and it basically says: "God put you here for a reason in the spot that you are in." I was thinking about this today when John and I were talking and asked what he thought about that with Rachel Qin.
Very interesting topic....and John's right. She isn't planted anywhere. She's sitting in an orphanage waiting as life passes her by. She's a seedling sitting on a hot rock waiting for help. She hasn't bloomed and she hasn't been planted. We're not uprooting her---she's never been planted, sprouted, watered, loved, adored, admired, etc. She needs me.
Look at the opportunities that we're giving her. Beyond the fact that she'll feel like Pollyanna...winning the shopping lottery.... She'll have her own room. Her own clothes. She'll be a part of a big family with a mother, father, little brother, grammas, grampas, and lots of aunties and uncles who already love her. Not to mention all my friends and online friends who can't wait to meet her or see her picture. She already is being loved. Prayers are already prayed for her.
Someday soon we will go and scoop her up, bring her home and plant her right in the middle of Wisconsin soil. She will not only be a US citizen, but she will become an American woman. Yes, she will be MY DAUGHTER! I will water her, groom her, love her, and teach her to blossom.
Her "bloom where you are planted" story might start in China....but it detours to USA (Wisconsin) and where will she end up?