This was a long but nice weekend -the carnival was nice. We went over and played a few games with the kids. Then on Saturday my Aunt Tudy and Uncle Jerry came to visit. There were also fireworks at dark. Both kids really enjoyed the fireworks. It's cool to watch them from our yard.
Sunday we went to the Flea market. I hid under an umbrella so I wouldn't end up burnt up in the hot sun. We had Alexander in the stroller and Rachel walked around holding someone's hand. We went with my dad and his girlfriend. It was a nice day.
Saturday night it stormed and the thunder and lightening was intense. It didn't wake the kids, which was good for me.
I bought a bunch of new treasures. Somehow I have a brass collection and I found some great things to add to it. I now have 2 huge cranes, and a few other giant brass items to display somewhere in my house. The cranes will go in my upstairs bathroom along with my other cranes. I also found this beautiful brass teapot. It's the one I've been searching for --the one I always wanted. Now is my brass teapot search over? hummmmm I don't know. :)
Monday was the parade. It was another hot day. We didn't have parade walkers this year and I guess it's a good thing as they would have melted in the hot sun. We just drove thru the parade and waved. I drove so I didn't do much waving. Rachel would wave and point out "pretty dressed" on people in the crowds. Our little clothes nut. (Gotta love a gal who digs fashion even if she's only 5!)
Long weekend--now completed.
I always think of Memorial Day as the official start of summer---so let summer get underway and let's not miss out on too much of it!