Monday, May 29, 2006
Memorial Day weekend --and parade
This was a long but nice weekend -the carnival was nice. We went over and played a few games with the kids. Then on Saturday my Aunt Tudy and Uncle Jerry came to visit. There were also fireworks at dark. Both kids really enjoyed the fireworks. It's cool to watch them from our yard.
Sunday we went to the Flea market. I hid under an umbrella so I wouldn't end up burnt up in the hot sun. We had Alexander in the stroller and Rachel walked around holding someone's hand. We went with my dad and his girlfriend. It was a nice day.
Saturday night it stormed and the thunder and lightening was intense. It didn't wake the kids, which was good for me.
I bought a bunch of new treasures. Somehow I have a brass collection and I found some great things to add to it. I now have 2 huge cranes, and a few other giant brass items to display somewhere in my house. The cranes will go in my upstairs bathroom along with my other cranes. I also found this beautiful brass teapot. It's the one I've been searching for --the one I always wanted. Now is my brass teapot search over? hummmmm I don't know. :)
Monday was the parade. It was another hot day. We didn't have parade walkers this year and I guess it's a good thing as they would have melted in the hot sun. We just drove thru the parade and waved. I drove so I didn't do much waving. Rachel would wave and point out "pretty dressed" on people in the crowds. Our little clothes nut. (Gotta love a gal who digs fashion even if she's only 5!)
Long weekend--now completed.
I always think of Memorial Day as the official start of summer---so let summer get underway and let's not miss out on too much of it!
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Baseball signs gotta go
So it's baseball time again. I can tell because the I live across from a softball field and endure the noice, the lights and now these signs that block out the view of the entire park. I wasn't home when they put them up so they put them up really high and blocked out our entire view of the ballfield and park.
I called cityhall to find out who puts up these advertising signs and was told "what signs?" I don't know how that helps the problem but I am not blind, there are the new signs...
We have a new mayor in town. I know him so I called him to see if he could find out who puts up advertisements in the city park and how can I get them to move/remove the signs so that we can sit outside in the front of our house and watch the ballgames.
Soon afterwards we see them walk past our house and check it out. Yup, there are signs there. The next day the signs are moved over. I now can sit and watch the games again. Hurray!
Okay it wasn't a big deal to anyone else, but I am a taxpayer and have the right to complain. Anyone else in the city has to ask permission to put up a sign, so why can they block out my view without asking me? Crazy thing is no one ever asked me if I wanted to buy a sign for my business.
So at least it's fixed!
Monday, May 22, 2006
Monday--May 22nd--my fav day and number
I made a wonderful decision the other day and dropped a list that was spending more time bickering than talking, praying, being friends, or basically caring for others. I told them I was done and that I was leaving to free up some more time in my life to do things that uplift me instead of tearing me down. I said goodbye to some on that list forever. I suppose some of them werent friends anyways. Some that were, understood why I left (even though they still remain there) and are still my friends.
I feel set free! Like I was drowning and now I am on the shore. WOW! Who knew it would be so liberating to do something so simple? But isn't that what faith is--it's something simple and freeing?
Yeah, I know my blogging has been here and there, but I have been spending time with the kids. It's quality time that if I don't take now will pass me by. I guess it's like Alexander being a baby. We waited and waited for him to finally be mine, I was afraid to latch on until he was officially feels like that time was wasted. I suffered, while lawyers got paid to postpone my life. GRRRRRR!
So I am enjoying our time together by playing games and teaching Rachel and Alex their color words. What an awesome thing to hear is something as simple as them knowing what color something is. Or hearing them tell Charlotta (my sister) that she is short, but Daddy is tall. Mama is tall, Will is tall, but Charlotta (they say Char-wahwah) is always short.
I guess that's all for now.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Mother's Day
Yeah, here it is officially another Mother's Day. We are going to go to church. I wonder if anyone will dare tell me this year that I am not a mother. I was told that last year I believe it was, I was in the nursery and was told I wasn't a mother because I didn't give birth to my children. Excuse me? Any animal can give birth ---it takes a hell of a lot more to be a MOTHER!
This year I have 2 hands to hold in mine. 2 little minds to mold. 2 little voices who can say "MaMa" and what a blessing that is!
Although even if I write out the word, I think of my own mother. Maybe I am still new at the whole process but being a mom is a lot more work than I would have ever known. If I could have known how hard my mom worked to keep the house picked up, our laundry washed, and the meals made, plus taking care of us. And she didn't complain. I complain but no one listens :) I have help. Plus I am not a domisticated goddess by choice. I'd rather have a full-time job. I think the design of everything will change in time. After my college loans come due and I need to bring in some bacon, eggs, and toast to help keep up with the Jones, Smiths, and whoever else.
So for right now, as PrincessSandra, official domestic goddess of this castle....Mother's Day is a day to worship me! Bow and be glad I am here! :)
Have a great day.
Don't take crap from those that don't think you are a mom....even if your babies live in your heart instead of your are a mother!
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