Yeah, here it is officially another Mother's Day. We are going to go to church. I wonder if anyone will dare tell me this year that I am not a mother. I was told that last year I believe it was, I was in the nursery and was told I wasn't a mother because I didn't give birth to my children. Excuse me? Any animal can give birth ---it takes a hell of a lot more to be a MOTHER!
This year I have 2 hands to hold in mine. 2 little minds to mold. 2 little voices who can say "MaMa" and what a blessing that is!
Although even if I write out the word, I think of my own mother. Maybe I am still new at the whole process but being a mom is a lot more work than I would have ever known. If I could have known how hard my mom worked to keep the house picked up, our laundry washed, and the meals made, plus taking care of us. And she didn't complain. I complain but no one listens :) I have help. Plus I am not a domisticated goddess by choice. I'd rather have a full-time job. I think the design of everything will change in time. After my college loans come due and I need to bring in some bacon, eggs, and toast to help keep up with the Jones, Smiths, and whoever else.
So for right now, as PrincessSandra, official domestic goddess of this castle....Mother's Day is a day to worship me! Bow and be glad I am here! :)
Have a great day.
Don't take crap from those that don't think you are a mom....even if your babies live in your heart instead of your arms....you are a mother!