Last night I was asked why I bother going to college since I don't work outside of the home. Beside this being a slap in the face, and really feeling like a complete failure for the second it was said...I answered that I do work and that my skills are valuable even if they are not visible to the stupid people that are standing in front of me accusing me.
So today, I sit here doing my homework...today's topic is STRESS and WORRY. I go to college because I feel called to do so. If you believe in God, or not...I have a purpose to fulfill in this life, and as long as I breathe breath I am going to work on accomplishing that goal.
So back to my homework...STRESS. If you don't have stress you must be pulse-less and cold. I find myself working on this paper and the first verses that come to mind include searching the Book of Matthew. He's always been one of my favorites as gnashing of teeth sounds so harsh, but it's one of his catch phrases. "gnash, gnash!"
"So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34 (NASB)
If only life was that easy, Matt! Well, it isn't for me. I always worry about today, tomorrow and then the next day. Then there is the future...and all the other things I cannot control that I include on my worry list.
Do you wonder why I am not in college? It's safe and easily metered for success.
A few quotes on stress that were cool were:
"In order to feel the worth of an anchor, you must feel the stress of the storm." –author unknown
"desserts spelled backwards is stressed!" -author unknown (but it sounds like Garfield).
Amazing that everything I write on this blog is dealing with potential, maybe this is the lesson that I am suppose to overcome (or learn) this year.
Also every assignment in my leadership class revolves around my Bible knowledge and my basic knowledge of life.
What am l writing yet? Well, I am sure I'll come up with something creative to add to the boring group posts that I have to read.
Yeah--I live to be stressed. But I do accomplish a lot by stressing :)