I wanted to let you know about Rachel's birthday.
We take so much for granted. Rachel never opened a wrapped present before. Never heard the Happy Birthday song. Never had a birthday cake or candles to blow out before either. It's sad.
This was her 6th birthday--her 1st American birthday.
I can gladly report that she loves presents, eating cake and ice cream, hearing Happy Birthday sung to her, and having birthdays. She was all smiles all day.
My friend Freda called her from Chicago and sang her Happy Birthday over the phone. Rachel told me later that "Freda sings good." She was all smiles as Freda called her to say hello and to sing to her.
When we answered the home study questions of "What does a family mean to me?" we never even thought about how wonderful it is to see the world thru Rachel and Alexander's eyes. We have wonderful family traditions that we share and we're so blessed to have kids in our lives.
Finally I got a picture to load --here is Rachel and Alexander with her birthday cake.