Birds! Gotta love them. We have 4 indoor birds in our house. Peetie, Little blue bird, She bop, and newbie. She bop and newbie are inches. Little blue bird is a parakeet, and Peetie is a cockatiel. Little bird and Peetie are very social. They love kisses and will fly over to you and sit on you. Well, on people they know and like.
I knew a lady once that raised parrots from the egg. I guess I would want to bond with a parrot from the egg onward if I ever got a BIG bird. I'm not sure I'd ever want a big bird.
I've had dogs all my life. Never owned a cat, maybe someday I will. I love fish but they die quickly on me. My last fish lived 3 years, I miss him. I've had a pet rabbit. Rabbits can be mean. Had a bunch of hamsters all live to about 3 years. I've had birds for a big part of my life too. I just enjoy their noises and personalities.