I thought I would share with you a poem I wrote. For those that don't know, I love to write poems. Someday I hope to gather them all together and publish a book of my poems and stories.
This week I shared my poem with our local paper and it was published in their paper. Isn't that wonderful? Well, I thought it was.
In our time of celebrating, remember that OUR Blessings are far more than just food....loved ones, faith, health, etc are the bounties that we need to be thankful that we have.
Thanksgiving Blessings
By: Sandra L Wellens
Thanksgiving is a day to count our many blessings
Sharing in our bounties of harvest we'll partake
To celebrate our ancestors journey and hardships
To examine their paths they endured for our sake.
Thanksgiving usually involves a great feast
Planned over many days most made by hand
The table is set all the fixings displayed
All our family gathers to eat the feast the was planned.
We always say a blessing before we ever start.
We all have a blessing for which we are proud
We all go around the festive table
Each one saying their blessings aloud.
The feast represents our bounties gathered to share
These are the ones that have grown bigger all year
Some forget that our bounties are more than just food
It's what we hold in our hearts that are cherished my dear.
Happy Thanksgiving!