I wanted to bless everyone with a story. I need to write it out anyways as I want to share it on a few of my lists. Remember the story of the little mustard seed?
We sent out our newsletters and enclosed an envelope to all that received them. I got one back. It was from my long-time friend and ol' first grade teacher, Sister R. She's a retired school teacher and is a nun. I read her letter and it made me cry.
She wrote she doesn't have a lot to spare but she gave me $2 to help bring Rachel home. I saw she had enclosed my envelope but I thought her letter was far enough. To hold her $2 (which to someone who has just a bit more than Qin herself...), it's like holding a million dollars in my hands. See she understands following God....she lives it too. I might not get any other envelopes back, but I asked anyways.
Most don't have much, or could spend it on something else....but her $2 was a bigger blessing than she could ever have imagined. I shared her story with a lady at my Avon booth on Saturday. Her $2 story still makes me cry with love.
God knows our heart, and he loves a cheerful giver. There are many on my mailing list that are quite wealthy. I have a couple Aunts that are VERY well---off. Time will tell if they can even match a nun and her $2 pledge to bring Qin home. This nun is also one of my references that took the time to fill out all the adoption reference paperwork for us. And I know she prays for us. :)
Isn't it a blessing? Doesn't this $2 story really show the meaning of Christmas? I think it does.
In our upcoming time to count your blessings, how are you helping orphans?
This is National Adoption Week ---think about those that need help and have nothing, then think of all that you have that you take for granted. I too have many, many things.