Do you ever find yourself chasing your own tail? Ever meet yourself in the bathroom? I was going to sleep while I was getting up. Who wins?
Then the funny question is when someone says, "Sandra, do you work?" I like to tell them, nope I sit on my butt all day and watch tv. John usually corrects me because people can't tell I am being funny. Maybe that's what they wanted to hear?
Of course, silly! I wonder if I ever stop working? Do I? My many hats --online I run probably too many yahoogroups. I love some of them and almost avoid other ones. I also talk on lots of them that I don't own. I probably read about 300 emails a day. I won't tell you that I have more than 10 email addresses.
Then I sell Avon. I actually do make a profit at selling it. I could always sell more, or reach a higher level---but I get bored or distracted. I love the products. This is my 5th year at it.
I am involved in the American Legion. Can you believe I am 2nd Vice Chair? That means 2 people have to die before I am President. LOL! I have to be careful who I tell that too, some people can't take a joke.
I make a family newsletter. I read about 2-3 books a week (it's slowed down.). I love to do crafts and quilting. I need to do some more crafting as I owe a few people some exchanges. I love to cut coupons and exchange the ones I can't use. I dream of making a cookbook with my Mother's favorite recipes. I write poems and would love to see them in a book someday. (Imagine my poems on a shelf in a book.) I write letters.
Then there is the Mommy hat and the housekeeping hat. I'm a flybaby. I even own a list. Although at times I seem clueless on what the heck a flybaby even does. (Where are your dust bunnies hiding?) Our house now has 3 bathrooms and 4 bedrooms, 2 offices, and 2 living room areas. One is becoming a library/craftroom when I get it all organized. Also the Christmas tree is going to go up in that room before Christmas -"no pressure."
Oh, did I tell you we added a 2nd floor and the builders walked away before it was officially completed? (Another long story!) And we are adopting a 5 yr old girl from China....so I read lots of emails on that, and have done lots of paperwork this summer to get our dossier (a group of papers needed) to send to China. It's finally done and we are awaiting our date to go to China.
My hubby, John works out of the home. He is a WI Tax Assessor. I am more or less the main office manager and hold down the forte when he isn't home. I answer the phones and have been learning to look up the information needed.
Do I work? What do you think? Tell them to come over sometime and see all the activity that goes on during the day. Our helper, Laura is probably ready to go home after she's here a few hours working. LOL
Oh---tell me I'm doing a GREAT JOB, instead of asking if I work here, okay?