I am so tired of reading all the crap about people who are anti-Christmas. Also I'd think hearing Happy Holidays is better than nothing. Even the President is on the political correctness list this year. Seems he sent thousands of "Holiday" cards out instead of wishing all his Christian friends a Merry Christmas or a Blessed Holiday....he left out any Christian comments. Figures, play the Christian card only at elections?
It all makes me sick.
Another one that drives me insane is someone who wants to say "so-and-so isn't saved?" That's not up to me or you to decide. See someday, this person (or you and I) are going to have to stand before GOD and recount all the things we've done in this life.
Unlike what college thinks---THERE IS NO GROUP PROJECTS when you are talking to GOD! You can use 1 lifeline if you even know you HAVE a lifeline. That lifeline is called JESUS. But face it, if Jesus doesn't know you....you are in serious trouble.
I had a friend once tell me he only attended church twice a year. He went on Easter and Christmas. He thought the church was always decorated as I guess one year he went 3 times and that one time was just an average Sunday. No bells, whistles, tree, decorations....just a dull, boring sermon. Where were all the people? See, I HATE Christmas morning service because I have to fend for a seat that any other Sunday is empty. I have to sit next to someone who goes to church 2x a year and thinks God is all razzle/dazzle.
Okay, I sure hope heaven isn't one long sermon....but come on.....how do you know if what you are doing is enough for God?
I sent out a letter---to everyone on my mailing list. Practically begging them to help us bring Rachel Qin home from China. I got 1 reply (see the $2 story to read about it.) Only 1 person could help me. Yes, we all have bills....but isn't there some things that you could help out with? I'm sure you really need pie at a restaurant, or a super-sized drink, or to buy another scratch off ticket....or whatever your vice.
It's hard not to feel bitter when you ask for help---when you sound the alarm and no one comes. No, I'm not Chicken Little and don't ask for help very often. I think this was the first time EVER. It's almost as easy to erase all the names from my mailing list and close the book. Then I realize that God will remember, even after I forget....that they couldn't even help at all.
So, when you stand before GOD ---when it's finally your turn. Will your lifeline help you or burn you? Literally BURN you....or HELP you into the boat? If you are clueless of who Jesus is, or why you should even care....maybe you need to find a seat in a pew on Christmas Morning and hear the watered down message prepared just for you.
Oh, the churches expect you to GIVE money for sitting in that pew. Since you come 2x a year....you owe 5% of your gross now and 5% of your gross on Easter Morning. Oh--then you also owe 10% of your time for the whole year. (so that's about 2.4 hours a day times 365 days is 875 hours owed to God.)
So what's your final answer?