Since I am now an official parent, I hear people ask "Do you do Santa?" Well, I guess we do. Alexander has been Santa sighting since October. He finds a guy with a white beard in the store and he yells, "look it's Santa." Amazing for being under 2, what will happen when he's older?
We take Dolly and Alex every year to Petco (where the pets can go) and get their pictures taken with Santa. It costs $5 and there is no line. Petco also has the Easter Bunny too, and we go and see him too. What's the big deal?
We did the Christmas Eve service last night, and on Christmas Day---we do presents and Santa!
This year we found a flying Santa and 1 reindeer and he run on a cord across our big room, so you can see Santa flying and singing "Have a holly Jolly Christmas...." It's fun. Shouldn't it all be fun?
Yes, as he gets older he will be able to tell people the whole nativity story, but I think Christmas is more fun with presents. We've had some years where there were no presents, and we still put up the tree. Christmas came and went---and we still had a wonderful time.
Christmas is what you make of it---the true spirit lives inside of you.