You know all the Christmas hype about saying "Happy Holidays" in the local stores got me to thinking. So I went out shopping and purposely said MERRY CHRISTMAS to almost ever cashier I met. Most said "thanks same to you." Or some said it first to me.
I think maybe it's a regional thing.
Maybe more than a store policy, it's an individuals choice NOT to believe in/share the Christmas spirit. As one gal at Fashion Bug said, they put up the wreath and start playing Christmas music at Halloween. Now that's a long time to say Merry Christmas!
Sometime in November we finally put away our shorts and sandals and had to wear winter style clothes. It was a wonderful autumn. Now there is snow everywhere. Although it's been a mild winter for the most part.
So Merry Christmas--Happy Holidays or whatever to you.
Someone online said "Holy Holidays" -I thought that was unique!