We went to visit John's Mother and family for Easter. We went to see his Ma and Pa on Saturday, went to church with them on Sunday, and then went to see the whole family after church.
I think Easter is over-rated. It's become too commericialized just like Christmas. Actually I think Easter is worse. Each kid was sent home with 2 dozen hard boiled painted eggs and 2 bag fulls of candy. My kids are 2 and 5. Do they need that much candy? I would think not.
I think next year we are going to boycott Easter. I say this and everyone freaks. "Boycott the Savior's resurrection? "faints" How can you think of such a thing" Please? Is that what I said?
I'd love to have a nice meal, and then maybe reflect as a family on Easter. I guess we could do some of the egg hunting and candy on a small, small scale but nothing like 2006's Easter.
The funny thing is, beyonf the prayer at mealtime--it was a day of greediness. Everyone had to count their eggs and candy to make sure they weren't shorted any. Give me a break!
Shouldn't we act like Jesus is alive and with us EVERYDAY?
I understand the purpose of the Easter Story --but I think just like Christmas, after the day is done...we put our easter decor away until next year.
Maybe next year we can make a "He is Risen" sign for our yard.
I want to stay more focused on HIM and less on candy!