I thought I would write a Good Friday article:
I found a great writing of believing we are all to be servants to each other from a mennonite website. I added the link and info below.
Jesus washed feet, why can't you?
In America, we live in a more cut-throat type of world and don't see service/servantood as important. Getting a waitress to bring your food promptly and correctly to the table might be considered service.
Well, you need to go to Xi'an, China. they do team building every morning and they have a city motto "to serve each other." We were served. The customer service was awesome. I can't explain how wonderful it was. Everyone was happy to have a job, and they were really friendly. I didn't see one person with a bad attitude. Everyone was thankful that they were working and were glad to serve us.
We have so much to learn! I've heard the Golden Rule has been rewritten to say "do it to others before they do it to you," If only we could try harder to serve one and one. To really care about those that are poor and hungry. I don't mean those that refuse to work, or would rather live off of assistance than work....I mean those that try and still fall short.
What if we had to get off our high horse and wash feet? Have you ever seen the show on cable called "Dirty Jobs?" There is this guy that goes to people's jobs that write in and show you what kind of dirty jobs some people have. He says that some people have the dirtiest jobs and come home spelling to high heaven, but are glad that they are working and helping out. WOW!
--enuff said!
We believe that Jesus Christ calls us to serve one another in love as he did. Rather than seeking to lord it over others, we are called to follow the example of our Lord, who chose the role of a servant by washing his disciples' feet.
Just before his death, Jesus stooped to wash the disciples' feet and told them, "So if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you." (1) In this act, Jesus showed humility and servanthood, even laying down his life for those he loved. In washing the disciples' feet, Jesus acted out a parable of his life unto death for them, and of the way his disciples are called to live in the world.
Believers who wash each other's feet show that they share in the body of Christ. (2 They thus acknowledge their frequent need of cleansing, renew their willingness to let go of pride and worldly power, and offer their lives in humble service and sacrificial love. (3)
See: John 13:14-15, Matt. 20:20-28, Mark 9:30-37, Luke 22:25-27