So --didja know we are going to homeschool our kids? No I am not a weirdo or wacked in any way...I just want to make sure that my kids can read. It seems the schools have different agendas and teaching is a low priority on most of their minds.
Imagine this --I am running a poppy poster contest w/prizes. I called one local school and explained that we wanted to come to the school and talk to the 4th graders about the contest. If you don't talk to them, they don't really understand it and then no one enters. I was told...even though this is a Veteran sponsored event, that the school is just too busy to allow ANYONE access to the kids or classrooms. Wow! I was blown away by the comments. If the teacher felt it was important she could read it to the class and then they could work on this outside of class. If someone would win a prize, we could leave it in the school office and they would distribute it. No pictures with the winners for the paper. Go figure. Then the principal says "so when will you be bringing by the info?" I won't be. Don't bother! or should I say "why bother?" Why waste my gas driving to the school and not have anyone enter?
So another reason why we are going to homeschool. To teach our children to respect America, and learn to be patriotic. Imagine that most kids don't know the words to the Star Spangled Banner or even the pledge of Alligance. WOW!
We are going to use ACE School of Tomorrow as our main program and add things when we need some extras. Plus I bought a preschool program to get us started and then we will work on our kidergarden program from ACE. I think Rachel and Alex can learn together despite the age differences. Her English is still not at the 5 yr old level and Alex is now 2. So I think they are pretty close to the same level and can learn together.
It's very exciting. I love a challenge and teaching the kids is something that John and I have talked about even before we had kids. I look forward to learning too. :)