This is an older picture, but I haven't shared one of "us" yet. Introducing Sandra and John...together 7 years and going strong.
Notorizing is 1/2 done. Locally it was like pulling teeth. Amazing our agency tells us how easy it is, however it was a giant speedbump like I thought it would be. I'm glad we brought the State's phone number so that we could call and the bank notory could call and find out what needed to be done.
Now we send in a request form to the State of WI to get our paperwork approved. This should be the final step before our paperwork is sent off to our intl agency and it goes off for approval in China.
We figure it's 99 days or less until we go to China.
We are off to our monthly American Legion meeting. John's an officer, but I am not :( OR should I say "not yet."