Saturday was interesting for this night owl. I was up at 630 a.m. and I was actually dressed and in the car at 7:15 a.m. The convention started at 8ish and we got there early to pick out good seats.
I wore my redhat so my online friends could find me. I guess I look good in red because people kept asking me for directions or advice. Strange?
The product expo was kind of junky. I don't think they even got 1% of the items available for Christmas to display at this event. It seems that Avon wants to compete with Walmart and they are pushing back their sales a month of so. Instead of doing big product bundles they are doing smaller bundles and only for PC or above. There's suppose to be a BIG Christmas book and it looks like we'll be selling right up to Christmas. I pray that backorders aren't a common practice or this whole idea will fall on their faces!
Also the VIP card was a big topic, if you buy alternative, a lipstick gloss, or extraordinary perfume you get this card which will give you discounts again later off other Christmas products.
Will it work? I'm not sure---we'll have to see. Doubt it will, but I'll be optimistic.
Overall I'd give the convention a C. It was okay, nothing extraordinary....just the same as other conventions. I wish we could have gotten a Christmas preview book, but we didn't.
I'll sell it---regardless when it comes out. I would love to make Honor Society this year.
Glad I'm home--there's no place like home!