Tuesday --We went to see Brother's Grimm tonight at the movies. It was bring your own bucket for popcorn night. We usually go on Tuesdays to the movies if we go at all. There were only the 3 of us in the movie. That was cool! That means we can talk if we wanna talk.
I had Will show me which digital camera he has so I could get one too. John's isn't working as good anymore since disks are hard to find and their quality is poor. I hope he likes this new one. Another item badly needed before we head off to China in the future.
Plus it will be nice to have a better working camera to take pictures with and it holds like 500 pictures in the memory. That's really high tech to what we have now.
We watched a beautiful lightening storm on the way to the movies. I guess it might not have been as pretty to those that were at the bottom of those bolts. Lightening danced across the dark sky as we drove to and from the movies.