We went to visit Ma and Pa (my inlaws) upnorth this weekend. We didn't get the hotel room we normally get and Alex didn't sleep well. Actually he screamed most of Friday night. It was a rough night as none of did much sleeping.
Saturday we went to the parade. This was my 3rd year of going to the Progress Days and I really like it. It's not really all that fancy -a nice little parade, then we head over to the school to eat a chicken dinner and look at the craftshow. The craftshow was a bit on the small side this year.
Oh before I forget to mention it...I got sunburned. I'm red -my arms, my face, even a part of my neck is red. I was only outside for about an hour watching the parade. It wasn't even too sunny. Frustrating!
We went up to see Pa who was in the hospital. He seemed to be okay. He's sick (I'm not sure with what.) and he had carpal tunnel surgery last week. He's 88 and very with it, I hope I am so lucky at that age. Alex wanted to run the halls at the hospital but the nurses really weren't very friendly. At our hospital they would have even let Dolly (our poodle) come in and see Pa as pets are suppose to help nurture the sick. Dolly waited in the car while we went inside.
We stopped at a couple of Walmarts and did some shopping. You can't beat the prices for clothes that they have. $2-$3 for a new kid's outfit and $5 for men's shorts, and even $40 for a new HP Printer. WOW! We finally bought our drape rods so we can put drapes in our new upstairs. Hurray! Soon maybe we can start using the new second floor.
Garage sales were everywhere. I found some really great treasures while out looking. My favorite find was a brass sailboat. We got it for $2. It was a total steal. I was expecting to pay so much higher for it since I am putting it in my porch bathroom that I am giving an ocean/lighthouse/nautical theme. Wow, it is awesome!
We were going to go to the fair, but decided to come home and take it easy instead. Alex and Mama (meaning me) needed naps. Maybe Monday we will go to the fair.