Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Experiencing God study & adoption update

Wednesday --middle of the week time!

Tonight we are planning on doing a Bible Study at the church called Experiencing God. I bought the book on and started reading it. It seems okay, the book does believe that if you don't move quickly you will loose the will of it's a train. Isn't it easier to try to stay in the will of God, instead of trying to weave in and out of it?

Not sure if everyone in the class is even going to get a copy of the book or if the leader is going to just read from the book and everyone else will listen. I plan on reading it along to make sure I know what the book is really about for myself.

Too bad they don't have any kids 1-3 yrs coming on Wednesdays so Alexander could play along with them in the nursery. Once he turns 2, I guess they said they could put him in a class...but at 19 months class? Strange what 5 months difference can make. Oh well, either we will leave him home with my sister or we'll forget about the class all together.

We talked to our international adoption agency today and in less than 100 days we should be going to China. I just counted it out --a 100 days from today is December 15th. I'm hoping it's sooner than that. Soon Rachel Qin will be here--hurray!
