Hello everyone, the blog hasn't been loading pictures, not sure why so I didn't post until now. We went to the downtown hotel to meet up with the orphanage and meet our daughter. She had her favorite nanny along and was very spoiled by her. We really don't have a great gotcha photo because she wasn't told about us or shown our pictures before that moment, so it was all very new and scary for her. It would be hard for anyone to leave the arms of someone you know to go to strangers you don't know.
Jenny our guide/interpreter talked to her and she just didn't want anything to do with us. So the nanny left and she cried and cried. Then Jenny says "okay, time to leave and takes her hand and off we go to the van." Our baby girl is very well behaved and listens so she took Jenny's hand and off we went to the van. We got to hold her in the van, and she cried a bit. We stopped and got her some candy (M&M's of course) and after that she was fine.
They tell these little kids that we brought them presents and candy and things so they want to go with us to see all their new things.