Okay we've done a lap arpund the island shopping. What kind of treasures did we buy? 3 big suitcases from Jordan. A couple outfits for Rachel Qin. (she loves pink) I had some pearl strands made for about $20 a set --30inches long. They are all freshwater pearls--and double knotted. Bought a few extra trinkets here and there. We bought 5 small paintings from a guy who paints with his hand. He showed us how he does it too. We took his picture too :) and got a couple to show you.
They have people take a picture of someone, and they can tap it into a sort of shiny granite flat stone. Oh they are all beautiful. We didn't have one of those made.
I am having a top made custom fit. I've been measured 2 times now. We pick it up tomorrow. IT cost $45 but it's silk, and going to be about a 4x and made in 1 day. WOW! I thought it was worth it.
This island is always gloomy, it's wet and it rains everyday. Great weather if you were a duck. John says reptiles love this weather.
Tonights dinner----peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. No we're not poor we are tired of the food here. :) Feel sorry for us, we miss American food. In LAX, we're eating steak....and it better taste like steak or I'm not paying.
I think we're done shopping here. Some shops are VERY VERY pushy. Others like Jordan's and Sherry's were rather nice. We bought a mahjong game now to find directions in english online. It's a small set so it's not heavy, and it's a 4 player game.
Oh did I tell you that the Mattel playroom is a dump? The carpet is dirty and some of the toys were broken. It's made for babies. It was very dumpy. We were in there maybe 10 minutes and I said we're leaving because we have better toys in our own room. We'd buy her toys instead. Plus the people in there were talking about how sick they were or had been---my que to leave (run!).
Thanks for your prayers--our health has been wonderful. Overall, besides not seeing the sky in a long time, we're surviving. I'd give this hotel a thumbs down. Plus it seems as soon as you leave that the maid is in here counting the mini bar, cleaning our bathroom, or making our bed. I love a clean room, just hate them in here when I am not here. Can you tell I am ready to go home?
I need a chiropractor appt for Thursday or Friday....sleeping on a board hard bed makes every bone in my body hurt in the morning. We all took an afternoon nap, so we'll probably be up later tonight. I can't wait to have my OWN room. Maybe I'll have to go Friday to the chiro because I am going to stay in bed all day on Thursday when I get home....Dolly and I are going to snuggle and sleep in :)
Does it sound like I am homesick?
XIAN treated us so nice, here it's very blah. We just asked for 2 extra pillows, the gal was going to see if there were any available in the hotel. This is a 20 floor hotel and there isn't 2 spare pillows? For $100 a night with no meals and no perks---I think they can get me 2 pillows. GRRRRRR!
The picture is from our window at the White Swan in Guangzhou, China.
See how gloomy it is?
"there's no place like home....." (click click)