On Monday we had to go to the "State Office" building --for the province and do an exit exam and fill out some finalization papers. After this interview, Rachel is officially yours but we still have to wait for the passport (which takes 5 business days) before we can contine on to Guangzhou to get her US Visa.
We had to sign our name and then put a blu thumbprint over our signature to swear it was officially our signatures. Silly I am left-handed and still have to put my right finger-print over my name :) stating it's me. Rachel had to print both of her palms onto this paperwork. We took a picture of it to remember.
I took Rachel, Daddy, and Jenny's picture. Also we took a photo of the other family that was adopting the 2nd child brought to the hotel back on gotcha day. They were from Florida. Then Jenny and the notary had to fillout and authenticate our paperwork. We took a picture of the govt offical (wearing a brown jacket) as he was at gotcha day. I guess we didn't take any pictures of the administator.