Hi, just wanted to update you. The hotel charges $10 a day for internet, too bad since our laptop found another wireless signal nearby for free. Haha. Our wireless G continues to earn it's keep. Here's a view from our hotel window.
We're at the hotel, going to check out at 6pm. Talked John into getting the food delivered to our room. Food here is GOOD!
Our plane ride in coach was terrible, I had a window and felt trapped. I decided to move to an aisle about an hour in and it was much better. People shouldn't ever sit 3 across it;s too jammed.
70 degrees and sunny here.
Nice hotel, they gave us our room key we opened the door and 2 people were in there brushing their teeth. So we got a room w/out people. LOL!
We checked our bags all the way thru.I couldn't wait for the 4 hr flight to be over, how will I manage on the 18 hr flight to China? OMG!
Please pray for me, I am having travel anxiety.sandra
about 1/2 way there