well, today came and went quicker and smoother than I thought.
We went to a different hotel downtown XIAN to meet our new daughter. 2 girls were getting parents so we got there before they did. You can see the kids coming and one was walking and one was being carried. From a distance you would assume ours would be walking.The other child went to a woman with 4 kids or more, I was too busy to count them all. Seemed too many.
Well, ours was carried by her favorite nanny. She didn't want much to do with us so I don't really have a gotcha picture. They gave her cookies to calm her down.
She goes by ChinChang as her name. One word.
OH GET THIS---our agency WAS getting updates on this child and weren't telling us! I got a book with a bunch of pictures. Her eye surgery was done on Jan 2005. They just did the right eye, the other eye is fine.
She's a little doll, they had her bundled like it's the northpole or something. It was about 70 degrees and humid. John wore shorts.
Finally the nanny handed her to us and then left. The director of the orphanage was there too. He was a very nice man, loved children and she hugged and gave him a kiss goodbye. They talked a lot to her. Jenny tried too but she didn't really want to be with us.
basically she was scared to death.....she'd cry and I'd cry with her. I felt so helpless.
So Jenny said time to go, and took her hand and we went to the van.She sat by me and then by John and then back by me. We stopped to get our pictures taken -first together then her, then each of us. It's for her passport paperwork.
What a doll! They kept saying "Mama and BaBa" that's us. :)She looked at us and then started to cry. The nanny went thru our picture book with her and showed her our picture book.
Chinese people LOVE dogs. As far as I have heard they don't EAT dogs here. Everyone loves Dolly's picture.
So we promised we'd stop and get her candy...she has a sweet tooth like her Mama :)
Jenny did lots of talking with her and we actually held her hand when we left getting her pictures taken. Jenny came up to our room and then we learned "how Mama will know when it's potty time" The word is Meowmeow --it means time for potty. I had Jenny tell her she needed to be persistant with us so we would learn. So far so good. She needs help on the potty otherwise she's fine.
She's about as big as Alex. Her clothes are either just right or WAY too big. She has no waist, a bit of a tummy, but no butt :)
So when Jenny told her she was leaving, she was like "bye" and was fine with being with us. We went for a walk and took her to see some fish in a fish tank on the 3rd floor. Then we showed her the swimming pool. I think she'll like swimming.
We went downstairs to look around. The shops here are nice and have really friendly staff. The dress shop asked if she would let her hold her and swooosh off the go with her. They talked and talked to her. They went and got her a cookie. Soon they got 2 more packs. Then they went and got her 2 glasses of water. She sat in the middle of them since they can squat down and talk to her. They talked and she ate. (John said she can't talk with her mouthful.) They kept saying how beautiful she is and asked why she wouldn't speak. She doesn't talk to strangers :)
We ordered food in our room. :)We had ice cream FIRST. It was a scoop served on rice crispies.Then John had a pizza, I had a steak with fries, and she had noodle soup with mushrooms (again in a bowl the size of your head.) We let her sample everything. She ate and ate and ate. I think she's trained to finish her plate. She eats with a spoon. If I picked up a fry and dunked it in ketchup--then she did too. Otherwise she would pick up a fry and put it on her spoon and then eat it. She loves noodles.
I gave her all the toys I brought. She loves the Ling doll. John blew up a ball and we all played with that. Then she was bored again. So finally I gave her the harley motorcycle model we brought along. I had John remove it from the box and platform. She is sleeping with that motorcycle :)
So she eats formula for breakfast and before bed --warmed up.She gets a nightly bath. AND she sleeps in a crib. Sounds like a spoiled child don't you think?
She went down with John to get more soda. She waved and said "bye bye" as I stayed in the room.
I gave her a bath. I must have done okay as she told me I had to take her hair down. I combed her hair, put on her nightgown (which she really liked) and then we both brushed our teeth together. All seemed okay. Now she is sleeping in her little crib.