Monday, December 25, 2006
Dolly :) telling us to take her picture
Sunday, November 26, 2006
November ends
Monday, November 20, 2006
BIG vendor sale

Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Friday, September 15, 2006
ponderings about selling Xmas stuff
Did you thnk giving gifts at Christmas cheapens the meaning of Christmas?
Then another question---what's your meaning of Christmas?
I'd say Christmas is the day when we celebrate Jesus' birthday.
On birthdays in my house, the birthday person gets presents.
On Jesus' birthday---we all get presents.
Christmas is done up BIG at my house. It is full of traditions, family gatherings, gift giving, and love.
I think Christmas is one of my favorite times of year, because we sing beautiful songs, share the spirit of love, and it's so family oriented. For years my Christmases were terrible, full of memories of being alone, broke, and unloved.
It's so different now. Although even when I was alone, I tried to do the best to share my spirit of Christmas with those with less than I had.
I guess I was made to feel bad because I sell Avon at Christmas, but those that are complaining...I guess they don't see that I SELL AVON all year long. I never stop selling although I hate talking about Avon at church, I know it's the only time some people see me. My Avon business does a lot for my community, and also it helps feed my family, and provide us with items I would buy anyways if I didn't sell them. So? I guess they are jealous.
Friday, August 11, 2006
bobo and his dog
I love it when the clerk picks up the dog and runs him over the scanner to scan his new Bobo toy. It's just too cute!
gotta love a cute dog :)
Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Birds! Gotta love them. We have 4 indoor birds in our house. Peetie, Little blue bird, She bop, and newbie. She bop and newbie are inches. Little blue bird is a parakeet, and Peetie is a cockatiel. Little bird and Peetie are very social. They love kisses and will fly over to you and sit on you. Well, on people they know and like.
I knew a lady once that raised parrots from the egg. I guess I would want to bond with a parrot from the egg onward if I ever got a BIG bird. I'm not sure I'd ever want a big bird.
I've had dogs all my life. Never owned a cat, maybe someday I will. I love fish but they die quickly on me. My last fish lived 3 years, I miss him. I've had a pet rabbit. Rabbits can be mean. Had a bunch of hamsters all live to about 3 years. I've had birds for a big part of my life too. I just enjoy their noises and personalities.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
ooh here's Wild Thing (Muppet Style)
I don't even know why I was looking for this song...but Animal singing Wild Thing is a bizarre version of this song. :)
Rainbow Connection song

Yes, I have posted, although I don't know what's up. I'll have to go back and see where all my posts are. :)
I was looking around for the song--WILD THING --to download and I found another wonderful song. I love Rainbow Connection sung by Kermit the frog.
I added the link. You can click on it above and enjoy it.
If I had to tell you a song that fit me, it would probably be true to guess that this song would make the top 3.
I add the words---as a tribute to Kermie.
(and to share--that someday you'll find me on the rainbow connection--wherever that is...
The Rainbow Connection
(sing along with Kermit)
Why are there so many songs about rainbows And what's on the other side? Rainbows are visions, but only illusions, And rainbows have nothing to hide. So we've been told and some choose to believe it I know they're wrong, wait and see. Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection, The lovers, the dreamers and me.Who said that every wish would be heard and answered When wished on the morning star? Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it, And look what it's done so far. What's so amazing that keeps us stargazing And what do we think we might see? Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection, The lovers, the dreamers, and me. All of us under its spell, We know that it's probably magic... ... Have you been half asleep? And have you heard voices? I've heard them calling my name. ... Is this the sweet sound that calls the young sailors? The voice might be one and the same I've heard it too many times to ignore it It's something that I'm s'posed to be... Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection, The lovers, the dreamers, and me. Laa, da daa dee da daa daa, La laa la la laa dee daa doo...
I think I learned this song for the first time in 4th grade.
It's one of my all time favorites.
But I guess "Somewhere over the rainbow" is in the top 3 too. What's this obsession with rainbows? hummmm that's interesting.
take care
Saturday, July 01, 2006
July 1st-Happy Bday Rachel

I wanted to let you know about Rachel's birthday.
We take so much for granted. Rachel never opened a wrapped present before. Never heard the Happy Birthday song. Never had a birthday cake or candles to blow out before either. It's sad.
This was her 6th birthday--her 1st American birthday.
I can gladly report that she loves presents, eating cake and ice cream, hearing Happy Birthday sung to her, and having birthdays. She was all smiles all day.
My friend Freda called her from Chicago and sang her Happy Birthday over the phone. Rachel told me later that "Freda sings good." She was all smiles as Freda called her to say hello and to sing to her.
When we answered the home study questions of "What does a family mean to me?" we never even thought about how wonderful it is to see the world thru Rachel and Alexander's eyes. We have wonderful family traditions that we share and we're so blessed to have kids in our lives.
Finally I got a picture to load --here is Rachel and Alexander with her birthday cake.
Monday, June 26, 2006
pictures from Chicago
June 26-28 in Chicago
We went to Chicago for our anniversary. Amazing we are celebrating our 7th anniversary since I still have nightmares/motion sickness from our wedding. It was a hot hot hot day. The bride was 30 minutes late and was almost a no show with heat stroke. After the bride arrived, was thrown into a hot long dress, the wedding started. It was a beautiful entrance by everyone, the bride could be seen peeking in at everyone. For the few moments it took to be walked into the church, I should have taken another lap. It was a beautiful wedding. I'd love to repeat the ceremony if I had new friends to invite, and if I was able to buy a beautiful skinny wedding dress. Maybe for my 20th. :) We'd like to upgrade our wedding rings at year 10.
So we went to Chicago to see King Tut at the museum. I thought it would be so cool. I saw it, and wonder why I didn't enjoy it more. I guess I'd prefer to see it without a gob of people standing in the way. I was lucky if I could even see some of the exhibits without having someone stand in my view, step on my feet, or bump into me. No cameras or strollers are allowed in the exhibit, so Alex free to run doesn't make my $25 price worth it for me. No stroller should mean DISCOUNT for parents!
We saw my friend, Freda while we were there. Of course she was 2 hours late getting to the museum....and we waited for her. It didn't say anywhere outside the museum that if you didn't but the tickets in advance that the King Tut exhibit would sell out by 12noon. So we were tickets numbers 45, 46, 47 sold out of 50. I would have freaked if the tickets would have sold out.
The next day we went to Chinatown in Chicago. I've never even been to Chinatown. Funny, I had a boyfriend THE ENTIRE time I was in Chicago, but saw nothing--and went no where. I guess I should have hooked up with different ones. I have no regrets, except that I wished I could have enjoyed more of Chicago when I was "in" Chicago. I doubt many outsiders know their way around Chicagoland like John and I do.
Rachel seemed to like Chinatown, but she didn't want to talk Chinese. I think she was afraid to speak Chinese to them. I think she was afraid that they would find out she loved us and would take her away or something. Who knows. She loves looking at Chinese things, but just doesn't want to speak it anymore. Oh well....
well that's enough for now
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Monday, May 29, 2006
Memorial Day weekend --and parade

This was a long but nice weekend -the carnival was nice. We went over and played a few games with the kids. Then on Saturday my Aunt Tudy and Uncle Jerry came to visit. There were also fireworks at dark. Both kids really enjoyed the fireworks. It's cool to watch them from our yard.
Sunday we went to the Flea market. I hid under an umbrella so I wouldn't end up burnt up in the hot sun. We had Alexander in the stroller and Rachel walked around holding someone's hand. We went with my dad and his girlfriend. It was a nice day.
Saturday night it stormed and the thunder and lightening was intense. It didn't wake the kids, which was good for me.
I bought a bunch of new treasures. Somehow I have a brass collection and I found some great things to add to it. I now have 2 huge cranes, and a few other giant brass items to display somewhere in my house. The cranes will go in my upstairs bathroom along with my other cranes. I also found this beautiful brass teapot. It's the one I've been searching for --the one I always wanted. Now is my brass teapot search over? hummmmm I don't know. :)
Monday was the parade. It was another hot day. We didn't have parade walkers this year and I guess it's a good thing as they would have melted in the hot sun. We just drove thru the parade and waved. I drove so I didn't do much waving. Rachel would wave and point out "pretty dressed" on people in the crowds. Our little clothes nut. (Gotta love a gal who digs fashion even if she's only 5!)
Long weekend--now completed.
I always think of Memorial Day as the official start of summer---so let summer get underway and let's not miss out on too much of it!
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Baseball signs gotta go

So it's baseball time again. I can tell because the I live across from a softball field and endure the noice, the lights and now these signs that block out the view of the entire park. I wasn't home when they put them up so they put them up really high and blocked out our entire view of the ballfield and park.
I called cityhall to find out who puts up these advertising signs and was told "what signs?" I don't know how that helps the problem but I am not blind, there are the new signs...
We have a new mayor in town. I know him so I called him to see if he could find out who puts up advertisements in the city park and how can I get them to move/remove the signs so that we can sit outside in the front of our house and watch the ballgames.
Soon afterwards we see them walk past our house and check it out. Yup, there are signs there. The next day the signs are moved over. I now can sit and watch the games again. Hurray!
Okay it wasn't a big deal to anyone else, but I am a taxpayer and have the right to complain. Anyone else in the city has to ask permission to put up a sign, so why can they block out my view without asking me? Crazy thing is no one ever asked me if I wanted to buy a sign for my business.
So at least it's fixed!
Monday, May 22, 2006
Monday--May 22nd--my fav day and number

I made a wonderful decision the other day and dropped a list that was spending more time bickering than talking, praying, being friends, or basically caring for others. I told them I was done and that I was leaving to free up some more time in my life to do things that uplift me instead of tearing me down. I said goodbye to some on that list forever. I suppose some of them werent friends anyways. Some that were, understood why I left (even though they still remain there) and are still my friends.
I feel set free! Like I was drowning and now I am on the shore. WOW! Who knew it would be so liberating to do something so simple? But isn't that what faith is--it's something simple and freeing?
Yeah, I know my blogging has been here and there, but I have been spending time with the kids. It's quality time that if I don't take now will pass me by. I guess it's like Alexander being a baby. We waited and waited for him to finally be mine, I was afraid to latch on until he was officially feels like that time was wasted. I suffered, while lawyers got paid to postpone my life. GRRRRRR!
So I am enjoying our time together by playing games and teaching Rachel and Alex their color words. What an awesome thing to hear is something as simple as them knowing what color something is. Or hearing them tell Charlotta (my sister) that she is short, but Daddy is tall. Mama is tall, Will is tall, but Charlotta (they say Char-wahwah) is always short.
I guess that's all for now.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Mother's Day

Yeah, here it is officially another Mother's Day. We are going to go to church. I wonder if anyone will dare tell me this year that I am not a mother. I was told that last year I believe it was, I was in the nursery and was told I wasn't a mother because I didn't give birth to my children. Excuse me? Any animal can give birth ---it takes a hell of a lot more to be a MOTHER!
This year I have 2 hands to hold in mine. 2 little minds to mold. 2 little voices who can say "MaMa" and what a blessing that is!
Although even if I write out the word, I think of my own mother. Maybe I am still new at the whole process but being a mom is a lot more work than I would have ever known. If I could have known how hard my mom worked to keep the house picked up, our laundry washed, and the meals made, plus taking care of us. And she didn't complain. I complain but no one listens :) I have help. Plus I am not a domisticated goddess by choice. I'd rather have a full-time job. I think the design of everything will change in time. After my college loans come due and I need to bring in some bacon, eggs, and toast to help keep up with the Jones, Smiths, and whoever else.
So for right now, as PrincessSandra, official domestic goddess of this castle....Mother's Day is a day to worship me! Bow and be glad I am here! :)
Have a great day.
Don't take crap from those that don't think you are a mom....even if your babies live in your heart instead of your are a mother!
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Positive is good

I called today to complain because we get up to 5 calls a day from this 866 toll-free number and I call back and get a busy signal. I called the phone company to see if they could help me. She said she got thru and it was some kind of life insurance place and they have this phone system that answers the first call and then dumps the rest. So---that really makes me want to buy insurance from such a place. She was suppose to get them to REMOVE our number from their computer. It's bugging me and that's not good.
Funny, a place that sells life insurance is wasting my life answering their calls. I wish I could sue!
Talking about something else, our accountant gave us bad/wrong advice and now we get to pay IRS fines because the information was WRONG! Good luck trying to do something about it. So they get to continue doing their thing, and we get fined $600! UGH! What's fair about that?
Do you notice no matter how hard you try to be a good and honest person, someone is always there with a knife to stab you in the back? It's hard to stay positive when the word is filled with negatives. Yup!
I'm home this week alone--without hubby, so I am BOSS over the kids. I wish I had the full-time job and could be away for 4 days :) instead of my hubby. Oh well! I am going to college again in the fall and will have some more time away. Although college classes isn't the best way to escape kids. Both are hard work!
:) Life is good! Just have to breathe and stay positive. Maybe with 2 kids underfoot I can get some work done. Pray for warm weather so I can send them outside to play.
Monday, April 24, 2006

So --didja know we are going to homeschool our kids? No I am not a weirdo or wacked in any way...I just want to make sure that my kids can read. It seems the schools have different agendas and teaching is a low priority on most of their minds.
Imagine this --I am running a poppy poster contest w/prizes. I called one local school and explained that we wanted to come to the school and talk to the 4th graders about the contest. If you don't talk to them, they don't really understand it and then no one enters. I was told...even though this is a Veteran sponsored event, that the school is just too busy to allow ANYONE access to the kids or classrooms. Wow! I was blown away by the comments. If the teacher felt it was important she could read it to the class and then they could work on this outside of class. If someone would win a prize, we could leave it in the school office and they would distribute it. No pictures with the winners for the paper. Go figure. Then the principal says "so when will you be bringing by the info?" I won't be. Don't bother! or should I say "why bother?" Why waste my gas driving to the school and not have anyone enter?
So another reason why we are going to homeschool. To teach our children to respect America, and learn to be patriotic. Imagine that most kids don't know the words to the Star Spangled Banner or even the pledge of Alligance. WOW!
We are going to use ACE School of Tomorrow as our main program and add things when we need some extras. Plus I bought a preschool program to get us started and then we will work on our kidergarden program from ACE. I think Rachel and Alex can learn together despite the age differences. Her English is still not at the 5 yr old level and Alex is now 2. So I think they are pretty close to the same level and can learn together.
It's very exciting. I love a challenge and teaching the kids is something that John and I have talked about even before we had kids. I look forward to learning too. :)
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Easter pics
Easter weekend

We went to visit John's Mother and family for Easter. We went to see his Ma and Pa on Saturday, went to church with them on Sunday, and then went to see the whole family after church.
I think Easter is over-rated. It's become too commericialized just like Christmas. Actually I think Easter is worse. Each kid was sent home with 2 dozen hard boiled painted eggs and 2 bag fulls of candy. My kids are 2 and 5. Do they need that much candy? I would think not.
I think next year we are going to boycott Easter. I say this and everyone freaks. "Boycott the Savior's resurrection? "faints" How can you think of such a thing" Please? Is that what I said?
I'd love to have a nice meal, and then maybe reflect as a family on Easter. I guess we could do some of the egg hunting and candy on a small, small scale but nothing like 2006's Easter.
The funny thing is, beyonf the prayer at mealtime--it was a day of greediness. Everyone had to count their eggs and candy to make sure they weren't shorted any. Give me a break!
Shouldn't we act like Jesus is alive and with us EVERYDAY?
I understand the purpose of the Easter Story --but I think just like Christmas, after the day is done...we put our easter decor away until next year.
Maybe next year we can make a "He is Risen" sign for our yard.
I want to stay more focused on HIM and less on candy!
Friday, April 14, 2006
washing feet -Good Friday

I thought I would write a Good Friday article:
I found a great writing of believing we are all to be servants to each other from a mennonite website. I added the link and info below.
Jesus washed feet, why can't you?
In America, we live in a more cut-throat type of world and don't see service/servantood as important. Getting a waitress to bring your food promptly and correctly to the table might be considered service.
Well, you need to go to Xi'an, China. they do team building every morning and they have a city motto "to serve each other." We were served. The customer service was awesome. I can't explain how wonderful it was. Everyone was happy to have a job, and they were really friendly. I didn't see one person with a bad attitude. Everyone was thankful that they were working and were glad to serve us.
We have so much to learn! I've heard the Golden Rule has been rewritten to say "do it to others before they do it to you," If only we could try harder to serve one and one. To really care about those that are poor and hungry. I don't mean those that refuse to work, or would rather live off of assistance than work....I mean those that try and still fall short.
What if we had to get off our high horse and wash feet? Have you ever seen the show on cable called "Dirty Jobs?" There is this guy that goes to people's jobs that write in and show you what kind of dirty jobs some people have. He says that some people have the dirtiest jobs and come home spelling to high heaven, but are glad that they are working and helping out. WOW!
--enuff said!
We believe that Jesus Christ calls us to serve one another in love as he did. Rather than seeking to lord it over others, we are called to follow the example of our Lord, who chose the role of a servant by washing his disciples' feet.
Just before his death, Jesus stooped to wash the disciples' feet and told them, "So if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you." (1) In this act, Jesus showed humility and servanthood, even laying down his life for those he loved. In washing the disciples' feet, Jesus acted out a parable of his life unto death for them, and of the way his disciples are called to live in the world.
Believers who wash each other's feet show that they share in the body of Christ. (2 They thus acknowledge their frequent need of cleansing, renew their willingness to let go of pride and worldly power, and offer their lives in humble service and sacrificial love. (3)
See: John 13:14-15, Matt. 20:20-28, Mark 9:30-37, Luke 22:25-27
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Sunday -1st day to Church

I thought I would share a wonderful story and a few pictures. Rachel never wore a dress before, or atleast not tights and a pretty dress. Can you tell we went shopping at Walmart? Every girl should have a pair of maryjanes! I dressed her up and then showed her the full length mirror. She twirled around in front of the mirror and was so happy. Imagine a pretty dress can make a girl smile.
:) Here are pictures of Alex and Rachel getting ready to go to church.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Home from China

We arrived home. This is our pile of suitcases. No they aren't all full --but NW airlines wouldn't check 4 bags with 50 pounds, but would check 6 bags under 50 pounds. Go figure! So we repacked them at the airport and took a couple small ones out of the big ones. Good thing we didn't throw the 2 little ones out.
Here's Rachel standing outside the Milwaukee airport waiting for Will (my brother) to come and get us.
It was a bit cold, but we were GLAD to be home!
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Sunday in Guangzhou

Okay we've done a lap arpund the island shopping. What kind of treasures did we buy? 3 big suitcases from Jordan. A couple outfits for Rachel Qin. (she loves pink) I had some pearl strands made for about $20 a set --30inches long. They are all freshwater pearls--and double knotted. Bought a few extra trinkets here and there. We bought 5 small paintings from a guy who paints with his hand. He showed us how he does it too. We took his picture too :) and got a couple to show you.
They have people take a picture of someone, and they can tap it into a sort of shiny granite flat stone. Oh they are all beautiful. We didn't have one of those made.
I am having a top made custom fit. I've been measured 2 times now. We pick it up tomorrow. IT cost $45 but it's silk, and going to be about a 4x and made in 1 day. WOW! I thought it was worth it.
This island is always gloomy, it's wet and it rains everyday. Great weather if you were a duck. John says reptiles love this weather.
Tonights dinner----peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. No we're not poor we are tired of the food here. :) Feel sorry for us, we miss American food. In LAX, we're eating steak....and it better taste like steak or I'm not paying.
I think we're done shopping here. Some shops are VERY VERY pushy. Others like Jordan's and Sherry's were rather nice. We bought a mahjong game now to find directions in english online. It's a small set so it's not heavy, and it's a 4 player game.
Oh did I tell you that the Mattel playroom is a dump? The carpet is dirty and some of the toys were broken. It's made for babies. It was very dumpy. We were in there maybe 10 minutes and I said we're leaving because we have better toys in our own room. We'd buy her toys instead. Plus the people in there were talking about how sick they were or had been---my que to leave (run!).
Thanks for your prayers--our health has been wonderful. Overall, besides not seeing the sky in a long time, we're surviving. I'd give this hotel a thumbs down. Plus it seems as soon as you leave that the maid is in here counting the mini bar, cleaning our bathroom, or making our bed. I love a clean room, just hate them in here when I am not here. Can you tell I am ready to go home?
I need a chiropractor appt for Thursday or Friday....sleeping on a board hard bed makes every bone in my body hurt in the morning. We all took an afternoon nap, so we'll probably be up later tonight. I can't wait to have my OWN room. Maybe I'll have to go Friday to the chiro because I am going to stay in bed all day on Thursday when I get home....Dolly and I are going to snuggle and sleep in :)
Does it sound like I am homesick?
XIAN treated us so nice, here it's very blah. We just asked for 2 extra pillows, the gal was going to see if there were any available in the hotel. This is a 20 floor hotel and there isn't 2 spare pillows? For $100 a night with no meals and no perks---I think they can get me 2 pillows. GRRRRRR!
The picture is from our window at the White Swan in Guangzhou, China.
See how gloomy it is?
"there's no place like home....." (click click)
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
look at this smile

If a picture is worth a 1,000 words, look at this one. We broke the ice and now she's smiling and laughing with us. Her laugh is a joy to hear. She can play card games, lego, cars, and she loves to swim.
The timezones have been a bit difficult to deal with. I am a morning person here, and am up by at least 4am.
We love our hotel--XIAN Sheraton is awesome. We saw the President of the Dominican Republic 2times now. They roll out the red carpet for him to walk on. Never seen a president before, it was cool.
Monday, March 20, 2006
day 5 -Xian -Monday

I thought I would share some great sites here since if you search XIAN you hear about the great Bell tower in the center of the city. You can climb it, but we didn't. It's in the center of the city and you can drive around it.
Also we drove a lot in the morning and in XIAN it is common to do "team building" morning sessions with all the employees in front of the building before starting. I think this is the reason that the customer service level is so far above ours, it's because each employee is happy to have a job and everyone is a part of keeping the flow of that business going. It's the weak link in the chain effect...and no one wanted to be the weakest link. It was the norm to have awesome service and have no need or want for anything more. Everyone and everything was perfect. I loved that! So I added a picture of a group of people standing in front of the building for morning team building exercises.
day 5 -Xian -Monday

We went to the passport location to get Rachel's passport photo taken (she had to go in person along with bringing in a photo of herself) and outside were a bunch of different types of police cars. So since my brother is a cop, we thought it would be fun to choose this as our photo background.
Check it out, John actually wore pants on this day. The picture doesn't show it but it is almost 80degrees outdoors. (And yes, Rachel is wearing a winter coat! She isn't hot either.)
Monday-March 19th

On Monday we had to go to the "State Office" building --for the province and do an exit exam and fill out some finalization papers. After this interview, Rachel is officially yours but we still have to wait for the passport (which takes 5 business days) before we can contine on to Guangzhou to get her US Visa.
We had to sign our name and then put a blu thumbprint over our signature to swear it was officially our signatures. Silly I am left-handed and still have to put my right finger-print over my name :) stating it's me. Rachel had to print both of her palms onto this paperwork. We took a picture of it to remember.
I took Rachel, Daddy, and Jenny's picture. Also we took a photo of the other family that was adopting the 2nd child brought to the hotel back on gotcha day. They were from Florida. Then Jenny and the notary had to fillout and authenticate our paperwork. We took a picture of the govt offical (wearing a brown jacket) as he was at gotcha day. I guess we didn't take any pictures of the administator.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Now with TOYS!
Sunday in Xian
We've decided that we could actually live here if we could read and write Chinese. The people are so friendly and the customer service level is topping a new word for excellent. However, we miss seeing the blue skies. Jenny said that they only see blue skies after a hard rain or snow. Otherwise it's always overcast with pollution and is gloomy. I can do it for a while, but I miss seeing the sky.
Sunday was a fun day. We went downstairs for breakfast and Rachel Qin can eat! Then Jenny came at 10am to take us shopping at the local mall which is about a 5 minute walk up the street. It was an interesting strip mall sort of reminded me of port plaza (in Green Bay in it's good days) although some places let you pay at the end, while others make you pay and then come back to that aisle to pick it up. No rhyme or reason which aisle is which.
I guess most people need food for their room, we made a list like she said and we wanted a suitcase, some clothes for Rachel Qin (undies, socks, dress shoes, some tights, a new outfit, some toys) and we wanted soda and snacks. They don't sell tights because it's considered winter now and kids don't wear dresses in winter. Also they don't sell dress shoes for the same reason, you can only buy sneakers or sandles (shower shoes) for kids. So we bought her a new pair of pink sneakers. The sizes are we tried the button up top on her to make sure it would fit. The lady in the store was trying to sell us an outfit that was huge. Mama is a born-shopper so I found the perfect size. Soon we have a crowd around us wondering what we are buying.
Okay, so it's 70 or more degrees outside. Everyone around us is cold. Our little girl is wearing a short sleeve shirt, a heavy sweater, and her winter coat. John and I have on short sleeve shirts. John also has on shorts. People look at us like we are crazy. I would drop if I tried to wear a coat, I was sweating in the mall it was so warm.
The mall was very Walmart-ish. Made me miss being at home. Oh--we also bought a few books for her. Some flashcard words, some playing cards, some little police cards, and legos in a little purse. She loves the legos and cars.
Oh she was eyeing up this bike in the store, I told Jenny to tell her she can have a bike at home. She nodded her head yes.
When we came back to the hotel she had to look at everything and then proudly sat on the floor and looked at all her things.
Then we went to dinner and she tried hamburger. We had hamburger, fries and noodles. :) She loves American food.
Then we checked out the pool and hottub. She's not afraid of the water and will be swimming in no time. She loves the water.
Our little doll :) baby, she makes it all worth that 15 hour plane ride.
Sunday, March 19 -XIAN

So Sunday came and Jenny took us to the mall. We were suppose to make a list which included Soda, and toys along with clothes for Rachel. I think this was a real ice breaker moment for us as we had Jenny tell Rachel that we were going shopping to buy her toys and clothes. "Real store bought clothes....." -PollyAnna Movie.
Before Jenny got there we went downstairs to eat breakfast and took a couple pictures. Notice that there isn't a smile yet on her pretty face. Soon this terrible frown goes away forever :()
Along the way we ran into a condo place with Mickey and Minnie mouse outside. Jenny took our first family photo.