Saturday, December 31, 2005
DEC 31st--Happy New Years!
Today is the end of December, and also the end of 2005.
Looking back, it was a great year for me. No surgeries, or health problems. For that I am grateful--it's hard enough doing everything I do each week (including this blog) and then trying to be sick.
I picked this graphic because we are still in war, if the Pres W wants to think so or not. I heard about a guy who keeps a sign in a storefront remembering how many die and get injured over there "in war" and people are mad that he's doing that. WHY? #1 he's a vet and has a right to care. #2 it is really happening if you bother to care or not.
I guess it's another boring New Year's Eve for us. Drunks have made it too dangerous to travel the roads at night, so going anywhere on NYE isn't worth it. I wish more people were responsible and stopped acting like infants. (helpless and needy!)
Talking about stupid people --my Aunt just found out that my nephew and his girlfriend are going to have a baby. They are both about 20. They live at my sis' house, neither of them have a car, or a job, or a plan for the future. I guess they expect my sis (or us--you and I) to pay for them laying around the house and making babies. My nephew can't even read--maybe if he is lucky he can read a 2nd grade he's going to be a father? Stupid! Funny, I knew this was going to be coming about because his girlfriend hasn't worked all summer....she's probably been trying to get pregnant all along. Guess what nephew, she's screwed you good now......deadbeat dad laws could put you in jail. I guess maybe you should have learned a few more things in school before you dropped out.
So today we decided to chill out, make some punch, watch some tv, and watch the ball drop in NTC before we call it a night. Even Alexander is going to stay up until 12mid to see the ball drop. He's seen some of the commercials and says "ooooh ball!"
Thursday, December 29, 2005
There's a buzz going on now about resolutions...or the anti-resolution people are voicing their opinions again. Don't make them, because you won't be able to keep them....what?
I think of Jan 1st as my restart, although this year it seems that I have dragover stuff to finish. I need to step back and figure out what works, what doesn't, make a list of things to change....and then go forward.
Resolutions are goals. So those against them must not make goals either. They are the flopping fish that never planned ahead before they jumped out of their fishbowls! Duh? No goals!
"So Sandra, are you going to share your resolutions or what?" I guess if you bother to read my blog you should get a glimpse of what I even need to plan ahead to do, right?
Okay--they are simple---but goals shouldn't be set so high that you can't do them:
2006 Resolutions
1) go to China and safely return w/Rachel Qin
2) Spend more time reading (I bought a new bible chroni. book at the local to find it)
3) Spend more time doing crafts and fun things. "me time"
4) Finish my Bachelor's degree (I have 2 classes to go)
5) Would be nice to loose 25-50 pounds this year.
6) get organized.....(declutter/clean bedroom, office, avon stuff)
7) write my cookbook
There they are, simple---but a good plan of action for 2006.
Now onward to 2006!
Monday, December 26, 2005
Loosing the Christmas Spirit
So, did you notice that as soon as Christmas is over, the Christmas Spirit dies? The stores rush to clearance out the old and now Valentine's stuff is up everywhere. Just cruising from one holiday to the next.
What's the deal? Christmas was on a Sunday but everyone except the kids get Monday off from school. Post Office holiday.
The last week of 2005 --make the best of it.
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Santa or No Santa?
Since I am now an official parent, I hear people ask "Do you do Santa?" Well, I guess we do. Alexander has been Santa sighting since October. He finds a guy with a white beard in the store and he yells, "look it's Santa." Amazing for being under 2, what will happen when he's older?
We take Dolly and Alex every year to Petco (where the pets can go) and get their pictures taken with Santa. It costs $5 and there is no line. Petco also has the Easter Bunny too, and we go and see him too. What's the big deal?
We did the Christmas Eve service last night, and on Christmas Day---we do presents and Santa!
This year we found a flying Santa and 1 reindeer and he run on a cord across our big room, so you can see Santa flying and singing "Have a holly Jolly Christmas...." It's fun. Shouldn't it all be fun?
Yes, as he gets older he will be able to tell people the whole nativity story, but I think Christmas is more fun with presents. We've had some years where there were no presents, and we still put up the tree. Christmas came and went---and we still had a wonderful time.
Christmas is what you make of it---the true spirit lives inside of you.
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Christmas Eve service
Dec 24th is one of my favorite nights to go to church, I love the candlelight service. I brought a glowstick for Alexander so he could have a candle too. Overall it was one of the worst church services we went too, it looked unplanned and thrown together at the last minute.
What ever happened to telling the Christmas story AS WRITTEN? It seems every program I attend is rewriting the best story ever told. To make it a creative twist on an old story, but why?
Why not tell the story as written and act it out? Why can't the angel appear to the shepherds and have an angel say "hark!" go to Bethleham and see a baby being born.
Why don't we use the work HARK in conversation?
Hark, I think you are boring :)
Friday, December 23, 2005
Someone sent me this and it was so wonderful I thought I would share it with my blog friends. Also I found this beautiful picture somewhere in my travels around the web and thought I would honor it as well by placing it here.
If I decorate my house perfectly with plaid bows,
strands of twinkling lights and shiny balls,
but do not show love to my family,
I'm just another decorator.
If I slave away in the kitchen,
baking dozens of Christmas cookies,
preparing gourmet meals
and arranging a beautifully adorned table at mealtime:
but do not show love to my family,
I'm just another cook.
If I work at a soup kitchen
carol in the nursing home,
and give all that I have to charity;
but do not show love to my family,
it profits me nothing.
If I trim the spruce with shimmering angels
and crocheted snowflakes,
attend a myriad of holiday parties
and sing in the choir's cantata
but do not focus on Christ,
I have missed the point.
Love stops the cooking to hug the child.
Love sets aside the decorating to kiss the spouse.
Love is kind, though harried and tired.
Love doesn't envy another's home that has coordinated Christmas china and table linens.
Love doesn't yell at the kids to get out of the way,
but is thankful they are there to be in the way.
Love doesn't give only to those who are able to give in return;
but rejoices in giving to those who can't.
Love bears all things,
believes all things,
hopes all things
endures all things.
Love never fails.
Video games will break,
pearl necklaces will be lost,
golf clubs will rust;
But giving the gift of love will endure.
~author unknown~
Merry Christmas
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Happy Birthday Dolly
This isn't the best photo I have of my birthday girl, but it will work.
This is Dolly. She's my baby substitute, and she's now 4 years old. Dolly isn't ever too far from her Mama. I love her so much it's not possible to say.
Dolly was adopted into our home at a time when I had suffered our 2nd m/c and I needed a baby to hold. Dolly was thankful that that baby was her. She's fulfilled her every purpose in my life. She's always been there when I needed a hug and she's always nearby in case I need her.
In Chicago, they call this a "comfort dog" and they are allowed to attend everyday life with someone like me that needs her. Wisconsin doesn't have such a law, so Dolly has to wait for us in the car. We love Petco because we can all go shopping inside. She loves to look at all the animals.
She's even been to the fair, parades, and even fireworks. (She's decided she doesn't like fireworks)
I could talk all day about my faithful friend and first child.
Happy Birthday Dolly!
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Stores saying Merry Christmas
You know all the Christmas hype about saying "Happy Holidays" in the local stores got me to thinking. So I went out shopping and purposely said MERRY CHRISTMAS to almost ever cashier I met. Most said "thanks same to you." Or some said it first to me.
I think maybe it's a regional thing.
Maybe more than a store policy, it's an individuals choice NOT to believe in/share the Christmas spirit. As one gal at Fashion Bug said, they put up the wreath and start playing Christmas music at Halloween. Now that's a long time to say Merry Christmas!
Sometime in November we finally put away our shorts and sandals and had to wear winter style clothes. It was a wonderful autumn. Now there is snow everywhere. Although it's been a mild winter for the most part.
So Merry Christmas--Happy Holidays or whatever to you.
Someone online said "Holy Holidays" -I thought that was unique!
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Is that your final answer?
I am so tired of reading all the crap about people who are anti-Christmas. Also I'd think hearing Happy Holidays is better than nothing. Even the President is on the political correctness list this year. Seems he sent thousands of "Holiday" cards out instead of wishing all his Christian friends a Merry Christmas or a Blessed Holiday....he left out any Christian comments. Figures, play the Christian card only at elections?
It all makes me sick.
Another one that drives me insane is someone who wants to say "so-and-so isn't saved?" That's not up to me or you to decide. See someday, this person (or you and I) are going to have to stand before GOD and recount all the things we've done in this life.
Unlike what college thinks---THERE IS NO GROUP PROJECTS when you are talking to GOD! You can use 1 lifeline if you even know you HAVE a lifeline. That lifeline is called JESUS. But face it, if Jesus doesn't know are in serious trouble.
I had a friend once tell me he only attended church twice a year. He went on Easter and Christmas. He thought the church was always decorated as I guess one year he went 3 times and that one time was just an average Sunday. No bells, whistles, tree, decorations....just a dull, boring sermon. Where were all the people? See, I HATE Christmas morning service because I have to fend for a seat that any other Sunday is empty. I have to sit next to someone who goes to church 2x a year and thinks God is all razzle/dazzle.
Okay, I sure hope heaven isn't one long sermon....but come do you know if what you are doing is enough for God?
I sent out a letter---to everyone on my mailing list. Practically begging them to help us bring Rachel Qin home from China. I got 1 reply (see the $2 story to read about it.) Only 1 person could help me. Yes, we all have bills....but isn't there some things that you could help out with? I'm sure you really need pie at a restaurant, or a super-sized drink, or to buy another scratch off ticket....or whatever your vice.
It's hard not to feel bitter when you ask for help---when you sound the alarm and no one comes. No, I'm not Chicken Little and don't ask for help very often. I think this was the first time EVER. It's almost as easy to erase all the names from my mailing list and close the book. Then I realize that God will remember, even after I forget....that they couldn't even help at all.
So, when you stand before GOD ---when it's finally your turn. Will your lifeline help you or burn you? Literally BURN you....or HELP you into the boat? If you are clueless of who Jesus is, or why you should even care....maybe you need to find a seat in a pew on Christmas Morning and hear the watered down message prepared just for you.
Oh, the churches expect you to GIVE money for sitting in that pew. Since you come 2x a owe 5% of your gross now and 5% of your gross on Easter Morning. Oh--then you also owe 10% of your time for the whole year. (so that's about 2.4 hours a day times 365 days is 875 hours owed to God.)
So what's your final answer?
Monday, December 05, 2005
party party party
This week would be called "Party, Party, Party..."
It seems that everyone planned their Christmas parties in the first week of December and then the rest of the month is pretty dry.
3 parties in one week. So far 1 done....2 more to go. The first one was fun. There was a grab bag gift exchange with a $5 limit. We brought 2 of them to exchange --you can buy 2 boxes of chocolate covered cherries and 1 box of mints for $5....that's a lot of chocolate. Somehow we always end up with junkies gifts in return. John got a candle. I got 3 small snowmen figures. I'd rather had chocolates :)
I seem to have way more Christmas graphics than others. I guess I must like this holiday season.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
holiday headaches
Well, Thanksgiving came and went --while I had a terrible headache. The week is a blurr. I must have done something worthy of reporting but I can't remember.
I guess I'll just make this one short and sweet then.
I think the holidays always move too quickly for me. One minute it's Thanksgiving and the next minute it's New Year's Eve. BOOM! That fast.
No word yet on going to China. No updated pictures to show, no log in date....nothing to report. All is quiet but busy working on getting ready for Christmas now.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Happy Thanksgiving!
I thought I would share with you a poem I wrote. For those that don't know, I love to write poems. Someday I hope to gather them all together and publish a book of my poems and stories.
This week I shared my poem with our local paper and it was published in their paper. Isn't that wonderful? Well, I thought it was.
In our time of celebrating, remember that OUR Blessings are far more than just food....loved ones, faith, health, etc are the bounties that we need to be thankful that we have.
Thanksgiving Blessings
By: Sandra L Wellens
Thanksgiving is a day to count our many blessings
Sharing in our bounties of harvest we'll partake
To celebrate our ancestors journey and hardships
To examine their paths they endured for our sake.
Thanksgiving usually involves a great feast
Planned over many days most made by hand
The table is set all the fixings displayed
All our family gathers to eat the feast the was planned.
We always say a blessing before we ever start.
We all have a blessing for which we are proud
We all go around the festive table
Each one saying their blessings aloud.
The feast represents our bounties gathered to share
These are the ones that have grown bigger all year
Some forget that our bounties are more than just food
It's what we hold in our hearts that are cherished my dear.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Adoption update
Not much to tell. Still no LID (log in date) for China.
They promised it should be done before November ends.
I begged to see if they could call and get an update or at least a new picture. Some kids on their site have gobs and gobs of pictures, while our little girl has 2 pictures that are a year old already. I wish time would quicken so we could go and bring her home.
Rachel Qin, Mama loves you! Someday you will come home and see your new room. I have toys for you and even some clothes hanging in your closet. I bought you a winter coat that I'll bring along to keep you warm during our journey.
Soon my angel you will be with us in the USA.
Monday, November 21, 2005
My $2 story
I wanted to bless everyone with a story. I need to write it out anyways as I want to share it on a few of my lists. Remember the story of the little mustard seed?
We sent out our newsletters and enclosed an envelope to all that received them. I got one back. It was from my long-time friend and ol' first grade teacher, Sister R. She's a retired school teacher and is a nun. I read her letter and it made me cry.
She wrote she doesn't have a lot to spare but she gave me $2 to help bring Rachel home. I saw she had enclosed my envelope but I thought her letter was far enough. To hold her $2 (which to someone who has just a bit more than Qin herself...), it's like holding a million dollars in my hands. See she understands following God....she lives it too. I might not get any other envelopes back, but I asked anyways.
Most don't have much, or could spend it on something else....but her $2 was a bigger blessing than she could ever have imagined. I shared her story with a lady at my Avon booth on Saturday. Her $2 story still makes me cry with love.
God knows our heart, and he loves a cheerful giver. There are many on my mailing list that are quite wealthy. I have a couple Aunts that are VERY well---off. Time will tell if they can even match a nun and her $2 pledge to bring Qin home. This nun is also one of my references that took the time to fill out all the adoption reference paperwork for us. And I know she prays for us. :)
Isn't it a blessing? Doesn't this $2 story really show the meaning of Christmas? I think it does.
In our upcoming time to count your blessings, how are you helping orphans?
This is National Adoption Week ---think about those that need help and have nothing, then think of all that you have that you take for granted. I too have many, many things.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Nursery blues
I know I shouldn't complain, but when Alex was little he could sit in the pew and be silent. Toddler age is much harder. He didn't even make it thru the song service today. It was my turn to go to the nursery. Sitting in the nursery is like staying at home--you don't get anything out of the service.
Lots of people just drop off their kids at the nursery door and go back to the pew. I would have had to rush my kid to the ER after every service since there is 1 lady for however many kids show up. There were 3 kids almost 2 yrs and an infant. This infant is one that they hold constantly so they don't have to do anything else. If I wasn't in there, Alex would have split his head open playing on the play slide they have in there. Of course the floor is cement covered over with cheap carpet.
They keep the sound low in the nursery and you can't hear anything that goes on outside in the church part. I guess I liked the Catholic church's idea that the kid should scream and hang out in the pew with the parents. Playtime should not replace churchtime.
I can see Alex's point, why sit in boring church when I can be playing with kids my own age. Maybe that's why grownups don't attend too? Who stops and thinks about this stuff?
So John leaves church refreshed and refilled. I leave the nursery and go home to take a nap. Who wins? Next Sunday Alex is staying home with my brother while John and I go to church and enjoy a quiet prayerful time away from home. :) Awwww I can't wait!
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Vendor Sales ROCK x2
I had to use the same heading --vendor sales rock!
Here's the whole story...I got hooked up with this tupperware person who said she would love my help making the posters for her sale. She said the whole space cost her $75 and she'd split the cost among the vendors. I guess she forgets who she tells things too...... So I made the posters and hung them up as I promised. Then she decides to rename the event and redo the posters.
What makes more sense: "Christmas Craft & Gift Sale" or "Deerhunter's widow sale" --you decide? My idea is to say what it is so people won't get confused. Oh, then she uses my poster in the paper. Crazy!
Oh, split the costs must have gone to her blonde head....I paid $40 for 2 tables space.
Guess who's laughing? I made a profit baby! Most of the vendors didn't sell too much or not at all. Some were not happy campers. I was there selling Avon, like I know how to sell it....and blow the rest of them out of the water! Hurrah for me! :) Toot toot, my own horn.
Maybe next year I'll organize my own sale since I did most of the work for this one.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Fall colors amaze me.
Here's a picture taken just outside our town/city. I love the trees! Autumn is my favorite season.
We bought a new digital camera not too long ago. It's much smaller than the last one that we had. The other one put the pictures on a disk. I'll have to get use to downloading the pictures onto a CD now that they are just loaded into my computer so I don't loose them just incase my computer crashes.
You know what it means when the trees change color? It means that winter isn't too far away.
Turkey Day isn't too far away anymore. It seems like the last 2 years I have slid from Halloween into New Year's really quickly. I'm trying to enjoy everyday more this year so it doesn't seem like such a slide again this year.
Monday, November 14, 2005
tail chasing week
Do you ever find yourself chasing your own tail? Ever meet yourself in the bathroom? I was going to sleep while I was getting up. Who wins?
Then the funny question is when someone says, "Sandra, do you work?" I like to tell them, nope I sit on my butt all day and watch tv. John usually corrects me because people can't tell I am being funny. Maybe that's what they wanted to hear?
Of course, silly! I wonder if I ever stop working? Do I? My many hats --online I run probably too many yahoogroups. I love some of them and almost avoid other ones. I also talk on lots of them that I don't own. I probably read about 300 emails a day. I won't tell you that I have more than 10 email addresses.
Then I sell Avon. I actually do make a profit at selling it. I could always sell more, or reach a higher level---but I get bored or distracted. I love the products. This is my 5th year at it.
I am involved in the American Legion. Can you believe I am 2nd Vice Chair? That means 2 people have to die before I am President. LOL! I have to be careful who I tell that too, some people can't take a joke.
I make a family newsletter. I read about 2-3 books a week (it's slowed down.). I love to do crafts and quilting. I need to do some more crafting as I owe a few people some exchanges. I love to cut coupons and exchange the ones I can't use. I dream of making a cookbook with my Mother's favorite recipes. I write poems and would love to see them in a book someday. (Imagine my poems on a shelf in a book.) I write letters.
Then there is the Mommy hat and the housekeeping hat. I'm a flybaby. I even own a list. Although at times I seem clueless on what the heck a flybaby even does. (Where are your dust bunnies hiding?) Our house now has 3 bathrooms and 4 bedrooms, 2 offices, and 2 living room areas. One is becoming a library/craftroom when I get it all organized. Also the Christmas tree is going to go up in that room before Christmas -"no pressure."
Oh, did I tell you we added a 2nd floor and the builders walked away before it was officially completed? (Another long story!) And we are adopting a 5 yr old girl from I read lots of emails on that, and have done lots of paperwork this summer to get our dossier (a group of papers needed) to send to China. It's finally done and we are awaiting our date to go to China.
My hubby, John works out of the home. He is a WI Tax Assessor. I am more or less the main office manager and hold down the forte when he isn't home. I answer the phones and have been learning to look up the information needed.
Do I work? What do you think? Tell them to come over sometime and see all the activity that goes on during the day. Our helper, Laura is probably ready to go home after she's here a few hours working. LOL
Oh---tell me I'm doing a GREAT JOB, instead of asking if I work here, okay?
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
A helper a Helper
If I remember I should start every month with these cute teddy bears.
We found a Mother's Helper! Hurray! Actually the local rural school put it in their family/school newsletter and someone answered. She's been a great asset to our household. Alexander says "Laura" so cute. That's her name.
She's been working around here helping me out. It's been nice to have someone watch Alex so I can go somewhere else in the house and get things done. Somedays he seems like he's into everything.
Little by little things are getting back into their spots since they were boxed up in early May when we started building. It's nice to see some of our favorite things finally get unpacked.
Monday, October 31, 2005
Halloween --the nonscary route
BOO! Happy Halloween.
I love Halloween. I think dressing up in costumes are fun.
Guess what I bought? Ruby slippers. Yup! I found them in my size 11, on ebay in a cross-dressers shoe store. Go figure! Glad anyways that I finally got them. I LOVE these shoes. I'm going to wear them out. Maybe I'll wear them for Christmas eve service with my black velvet dress too! hehehe
Great time of the year to hand out candy, coloring book pages, and Avon books for the Mommies who come to the door. Alexander loved the trick/treaters but cried when each one left. He didn't care they looked strange, just stay and play a while. :)
I wish we were more organized this year, so John and I could have gone out somewhere to a Halloween party for adults. Besides the Trick or Treaters and decorating a was just another day.
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Vendor Sales ROCK!
Our annual (4th year) biggie Christmas sale came and went already. We did excellent. I think things get better with time and practice. We did better than we ever did before. Of course all the profits are going to fund our adoption to China.
It was a lot of work. Actually we were busy constantly all day. My feet were hurting so I really didn't walk around. We stayed in our booth and took in money.
We sell a LOT of chapstick! We sold 2 large jumbo ziploc bags of chapstick at 50cents each. WOW! I prepare my chapstick collection all year round so there are interesting flavors from throughout the year in there to choose from. I put them in these 2 big gold containers and people come over and dig around in them looking for the perfect flavor. It's silly but fun!
What a fun event.
I sold a lot of things and was totally tired when it was done, but my Avon gets organized after being put on the tables. 2-3 more sales before the end of the year.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
What a wonderful day
For the past month I have been suffering, probably why I haven't posted sooner. Why is it that medical science most times doesn't work for me?
My shoulder was out of socket. I went earlier in the month and got a cortazone shot. It helped but didn't fix the problem. Today we saw a new chiropractor and he popped it back into socket. I went somewhere else and was told it couldn't even be fixed. This guy goes WHAM! and I feel better.
What a Blessing!
Autumn colors are everywhere. What a beautiful time of year. It's even nicer when you feel like dancing because someone stopped your shoulder pain.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Power of a blessed tongue
Good Tuesday Morning!
(Well, I guess it's really the afternoon.)
I guess I want to talk about the power of the tongue today. I had this pep talk with my dad today. He's one to speak nasty or hateful things against his children (my brother and I). The thing is, he should speak well of us as we aren't bad people and have done quite well for ourselves. We both went to college and graduated, both are working, both are good citizens...and aren't druggies or living off of welfare.
Our pep talk included the saying: "if you don't have something nice to say, don't speak at all." John (my dh) says that's from the Bambi movie. I guess I don't remember that, maybe I'll have to find that tape and watch it tonight.
Evil can breed evil. Good can breed good. Ever heard "you are what you eat?" or "if you lay down with dogs you'll end up with fleas?" or maybe "do unto others as you'd have them do unto you?" I once heard the last one said "do it to others before they do it to you." I guess that's the wrong point on that Bible verse, isn't it?
What if we make good things happen by speaking happiness and love in our words and actions instead of living in the negativity. Doesn't it sound like I should hand you a flower and say "peace" right about now?
What if dad's speaking negative is some of the reasons things happen the way they do in this town? I know it's true. I'm a business owner in this town but if my dad says evil (some aren't worthy writing here) and people turn away from wanting to purchase items from me...evil wins.
The purpose of this blog is to try to uplift God in my daily life, maybe show others that Christians live normal lives too. Some think Christians live in bubbles.
Be blessed.
PS: I'm blessed to have a Heavenly Father who loves me, even when my earthly father is ashamed of me!
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Legion meeting...Oct
Beyond buying a pin, most locals in our group probably don't even know who she is or what's going on. Say "email" or "internet" and they freakout. They talked about getting a webpage but then the grammas tell you they don't have computers. Seems some people live in the dark, some live in the gap, and some live in the real world.
Amazingly enough, technology scares people. I wonder why? It's not scary being online. Amazing again that I'm an expert compared to most, and I still feel like there are tons of things I'd like to know more about. WOW!
Next meeting will be a big one, potluck, speeches, and my poppy centerpieces to raffle off. It should be fun, if my babysitter gets here in enough time so I can help decorate and bring food over there.
Still amazing that the internet scares people.
Friday, October 07, 2005
Pain in shoulder---be gone
Ever suffer from shoulder pain? I don't know why it's here but it's been hurting for 3 weeks. I had a shot for the pain today and I might actually survive it.
Someone made me this bear w/my name. It's cute.
Working on paperwork for China.
GOAL: NEED TO MAKE A PACKING LIST so I'm not forgetting something important to take along.
Going to go
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Church presentation --adoption
We were asked to speak at Church about our upcoming adoption from China. It would be a blessing, regardless if they just thought we'd need a tiny piece of time. They only called John to the front, but I went too.
We had this wonderful video to share. And also this poem. I'll add it to the end so that others could read it too.
Our message was that we can't save all the orphans in the world, but it would be a blessing to save one.
Our little Rachel Qin will someday call us all a family. It's taken so long to get all the paperwork gathered, notorized, and processed.
I think our message was heard as many people are now asking us when are we going, what do we need, and how can they help us. What a gift!
Here's the story:
No, we can't save all the orphans....but what if we just were to save one?
The Starfish Story
Author Unknown.
There was a young man walking down a deserted beach just before dawn.
In the distance he saw a frail old man. As he approached the old man,
he saw him picking up stranded starfish and throwing them back into the sea. The young man gazed in wonder as the old man again and again threw the small starfish from the sand to the water. He asked, "Old man, why do you spend so much energy doing what seems to be a waste of time." The old man explained that the stranded starfish would die if left in the morning sun. "But there must be thousands of beaches and millions of starfish!" exclaimed the young man. "How can you make any difference?" The old man looked at the small starfish in his hand and as he threw it to the safety of the sea, he said, "It makes a difference to this one!".
Saturday, October 01, 2005
October starts
October is a great month. Lots of decorations make the month more soothing, basically fall is the start of winter. Winter is a long cooped-up season here.
I will have to find out about haunted houses. Too bad my nephew doesn't like them. I think I'll always enjoy a good scare in the dark. I've been going to haunted houses since I was little.
Happy October 1st.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
local craftshows
Craftshow ---been there, done that, would go again.
There was a local craftshow here this weekend, I went and sold Ma's crafts and a few of my own ideas. We had a BAD location, and we didn't do well. We were set up to fail.
I have about 2 more coming up in the future that will do better, I'm hoping. The nice thing is I can sell what I want to sell and not be limited to crafts.
Why don't I plan ahead and make crafts to sell for this annual craftshow? I want to be in it, but always seem craftless at the last minutes.
Goal for next year (not to self---start a list) MAKE A CRAFTSHOW BOX so that you are ready for this craftshow. I know how to make ooodles of things so why not make some up to sell, if all else, I'd have some neat gifts to give away.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Convention is done -lines
I think some people are trained to stand in lines. "Excuse me, is there a line to stand in around here?"
Did I learn anything new? Was it worth it? Would I go again? I'd go again, but learning things can be harder to pinpoint at times. I am aware of what I sell, I know how to sell it, and I can sell it---so where are my customers?
Didn't really see what I thought we would. I miss the big conventions usually held in Chicago with all the new exciting Christmas stuff out on display. I don't really know what's new or coming out to prepare myself or my customers. I can't preplan because I just don't know what's coming out.
I went, I looked, I came home.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Avon Convention in WI Dells
Saturday was interesting for this night owl. I was up at 630 a.m. and I was actually dressed and in the car at 7:15 a.m. The convention started at 8ish and we got there early to pick out good seats.
I wore my redhat so my online friends could find me. I guess I look good in red because people kept asking me for directions or advice. Strange?
The product expo was kind of junky. I don't think they even got 1% of the items available for Christmas to display at this event. It seems that Avon wants to compete with Walmart and they are pushing back their sales a month of so. Instead of doing big product bundles they are doing smaller bundles and only for PC or above. There's suppose to be a BIG Christmas book and it looks like we'll be selling right up to Christmas. I pray that backorders aren't a common practice or this whole idea will fall on their faces!
Also the VIP card was a big topic, if you buy alternative, a lipstick gloss, or extraordinary perfume you get this card which will give you discounts again later off other Christmas products.
Will it work? I'm not sure---we'll have to see. Doubt it will, but I'll be optimistic.
Overall I'd give the convention a C. It was okay, nothing extraordinary....just the same as other conventions. I wish we could have gotten a Christmas preview book, but we didn't.
I'll sell it---regardless when it comes out. I would love to make Honor Society this year.
Glad I'm home--there's no place like home!
Friday, September 16, 2005
taking Friday off
We took Friday off to head to the other side of the state for my convention. It was a great day. We made stops along the way at garage sales and my favorite Goodwill in Wausau. They must have known I was coming as I found some great brass swan things there.
I rebooked our hotel as the staff at the convention's hotel were very rude. I found a cheaper hotel a few miles away, so we stayed at the Best Western instead. They had wireless dsl, breakfast, pool, and hottub. We got a room on the 3rd floor that was really nice. It's better to stay somewhere that's going to make me happy than to stay somewhere that doesn't have some of the basics we require in a hotel. I'm glad we switched locations.
We ate at a KFC/A&W combo. That's a cool combo. Too bad they don't have any in my town.
I could get use to eating chicken and a&W rootbeer regularly. :)
To to the avon convention...
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
notary stuff is back
Great news from the mailbox----our notary paperwork is BACK already. WOW! It got there and left on Tuesday. Does that mean that God wants us to shake our tail and get the paperwork into our agency? I'm hoping to go to China in November. China in winter, oh boy!
John's gone today. Although we talk a bunch on the phones when he's not here. We've decided to hire an employee --more of a sandra's assistant. She would be a "Jill of all trades." as someone said on one of my lists. I think we'll do group interviews like the airlines always had so that we can test and talk to everyone at one time instead of dragging the whole process out for weeks. If we find 2 people, then we'll try 2. If we find none, then I guess we hire no one. It sounds like a good plan, now to make up an application that fits our needs. Most were too generic.
Alexander was wearing a 24 months outfit today. Wow----that seems so big. I remember the newborn outfits he once had in his dresser. Mama's little weed!
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Tuesday --We went to see Brother's Grimm tonight at the movies. It was bring your own bucket for popcorn night. We usually go on Tuesdays to the movies if we go at all. There were only the 3 of us in the movie. That was cool! That means we can talk if we wanna talk.
I had Will show me which digital camera he has so I could get one too. John's isn't working as good anymore since disks are hard to find and their quality is poor. I hope he likes this new one. Another item badly needed before we head off to China in the future.
Plus it will be nice to have a better working camera to take pictures with and it holds like 500 pictures in the memory. That's really high tech to what we have now.
We watched a beautiful lightening storm on the way to the movies. I guess it might not have been as pretty to those that were at the bottom of those bolts. Lightening danced across the dark sky as we drove to and from the movies.
Monday, September 12, 2005
Monday again
I found this picture on someone's ebay was too cute not to take for my own. Gotta love bears in hats.
Monday again...John went to the chiropractor and the dr. Not sure what's wrong but he has a pain in his back. They sent him for bloodwork and put him on some silly diet. It was basically a high carb diet--totally opposite of months ago. He lost 10 pounds since April...did I find them?
Mailed our notary paperwork today.
Will came home really late tonight. I guess he was bored on the Island. He brought home my birthday presents--Minnie and Mickey Mouse plush toys and 2 margarita glasses. He's going to take us to the movies on Tuesday.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Sunday nursery
Sunday--we went to church. Alexander couldn't stay quiet so it was my turn to go to the nursery. I might a well stay home instead of going to the nursery, you don't hear anything going on outside of it. He needs to have someone go with him as there are too many kids and not enough workers. Also it seems some kids play too rough and he doesn't know how to fight back yet. It'll come in time I'm sure.
John's learning how to grill out on his flame-thrower, I mean gas grill. We actually had chicken today that didn't taste like a piece of coal. He'll get the hang of it someday. :)
Today's a short one---Happy Grandparent's Day.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Hello all. Today was a fun day, we went to the parade. I should say we were IN the parade. I dragged my nephew Shawn along to hand out flyers and a few books. He was grouchy the whole while we were there. John handed out books on one side and Shawn did the other side. John handed out about 3 times more than Shawn did. I guess you can't make someone work if they never learned how.
Alex watched the people as we went by in the parade and I drove our suburban. I put all kinds of banners on it and I even wore my big red hat. It was a lot of fun. I don't know if it will drum up any new business but I guess we'll have to leave that in God's hands.
The rest of the day was a lazy one. It was really hot and humid so I took a nap.
Onward to a new week!
Friday, September 09, 2005
Friday--time to party! Weekends usually involve more work than weekdays do because I cram so many activities into 1-2 days.
There's a parade tomorrow, one of the lasts for the season. We're going to go be IN the parade. Promote my business :)
Then there is a flea market. Sunday is church. Plus we have lots of other odd jobs to finish around the house.
Agency called us back and said paperwork should be good to go the way we did it. Hurray!
I slept in today so I am running behind again. Hard to catch up when you pass yourself in the hallway each morning. Am I getting up, or just going to bed? I forget.
I was voted 2nd Vice Chair for the Legion Aux. for the next 2 years. Seems a pointless position, beyond the fact that I'm responsible for putting stuff in the papers. Seems the secretary should be doing that. Anyways I'm an officer....oh goodie.
HAVE a GREAT weekend!
Thursday, September 08, 2005
adoption notorizing is like pulling teeth
This is an older picture, but I haven't shared one of "us" yet. Introducing Sandra and John...together 7 years and going strong.
Notorizing is 1/2 done. Locally it was like pulling teeth. Amazing our agency tells us how easy it is, however it was a giant speedbump like I thought it would be. I'm glad we brought the State's phone number so that we could call and the bank notory could call and find out what needed to be done.
Now we send in a request form to the State of WI to get our paperwork approved. This should be the final step before our paperwork is sent off to our intl agency and it goes off for approval in China.
We figure it's 99 days or less until we go to China.
We are off to our monthly American Legion meeting. John's an officer, but I am not :( OR should I say "not yet."
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Experiencing God study & adoption update
Wednesday --middle of the week time!
Tonight we are planning on doing a Bible Study at the church called Experiencing God. I bought the book on and started reading it. It seems okay, the book does believe that if you don't move quickly you will loose the will of it's a train. Isn't it easier to try to stay in the will of God, instead of trying to weave in and out of it?
Not sure if everyone in the class is even going to get a copy of the book or if the leader is going to just read from the book and everyone else will listen. I plan on reading it along to make sure I know what the book is really about for myself.
Too bad they don't have any kids 1-3 yrs coming on Wednesdays so Alexander could play along with them in the nursery. Once he turns 2, I guess they said they could put him in a class...but at 19 months class? Strange what 5 months difference can make. Oh well, either we will leave him home with my sister or we'll forget about the class all together.
We talked to our international adoption agency today and in less than 100 days we should be going to China. I just counted it out --a 100 days from today is December 15th. I'm hoping it's sooner than that. Soon Rachel Qin will be here--hurray!
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Do you ever just sit back and wonder? Pondering things can be a great pasttime. I think it helps relieve stress.
This is one of my favorite angels pictures to ponder.
This week is starting out pretty good, lots going on and I actually am making some dents in some of the BIG projects I have to get done.
I spent Labor Day----working in my shop. I was gathering things together to sell at my craft show in October and then getting other things together for selling on ebay. I need to get a few things listed on there and keep listing them. I was doing so good, then I somehow got derailed again.
We're putting up curtains in our upstairs...but forgot to buy the rings that go on the rods. We'll have to pick them up tomorrow when we head to Walmart.
(ta ta for now)
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Go to sleep --please
We went to visit Ma and Pa (my inlaws) upnorth this weekend. We didn't get the hotel room we normally get and Alex didn't sleep well. Actually he screamed most of Friday night. It was a rough night as none of did much sleeping.
Saturday we went to the parade. This was my 3rd year of going to the Progress Days and I really like it. It's not really all that fancy -a nice little parade, then we head over to the school to eat a chicken dinner and look at the craftshow. The craftshow was a bit on the small side this year.
Oh before I forget to mention it...I got sunburned. I'm red -my arms, my face, even a part of my neck is red. I was only outside for about an hour watching the parade. It wasn't even too sunny. Frustrating!
We went up to see Pa who was in the hospital. He seemed to be okay. He's sick (I'm not sure with what.) and he had carpal tunnel surgery last week. He's 88 and very with it, I hope I am so lucky at that age. Alex wanted to run the halls at the hospital but the nurses really weren't very friendly. At our hospital they would have even let Dolly (our poodle) come in and see Pa as pets are suppose to help nurture the sick. Dolly waited in the car while we went inside.
We stopped at a couple of Walmarts and did some shopping. You can't beat the prices for clothes that they have. $2-$3 for a new kid's outfit and $5 for men's shorts, and even $40 for a new HP Printer. WOW! We finally bought our drape rods so we can put drapes in our new upstairs. Hurray! Soon maybe we can start using the new second floor.
Garage sales were everywhere. I found some really great treasures while out looking. My favorite find was a brass sailboat. We got it for $2. It was a total steal. I was expecting to pay so much higher for it since I am putting it in my porch bathroom that I am giving an ocean/lighthouse/nautical theme. Wow, it is awesome!
We were going to go to the fair, but decided to come home and take it easy instead. Alex and Mama (meaning me) needed naps. Maybe Monday we will go to the fair.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
September is here
Can you imagine that it's September already? It doesn't seem possible that soon there will be changing leaves and then snow.
I am in Wisconsin. I've traveled all over the USA and still find that I love it best here. I really liked downtown Chicago, but I missed the apple blossoms and seeing green grass. It just wasn't the same going to the park to see those things.
Wisconsin has beautiful Springtimes --the leaves awaiting the perfect day to burst from their trees, and lilacs and apple blossoms fill the air. The grass comes back to life and turns a bright green over time. Summers here are hot and filled with rain at times. My summertimes are filled with grilling out, flea markets, and rummage sales. I also enjoy parades and fireworks. Autumn is a time when the leaves turn many shades of colors and slowly drift to the ground. I enjoy Autumn best. Then comes Wintertime and it can hit badly or be really mild. There can be tons of snow and ice or it could be cold with very little snow. It depends on the winter. Winter lasts the longest.
I picked this picture, I think sunflowers are really a pretty flower. They grow from a tiny seed and grow to be really tall. Then they are full of seeds that can be dried and saved for the next year to plant again.
Do the seasons changing make you feel older?
Do you live in the present --enjoying each day or do you tend to be a planner who longs for future events?
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Flooding --people helping people
Have you seen this movie? It's from Finding Nemo. The birds all say "mine."
I have noticed that life is a lot like this movie, unless it affects us, we stay numbt to the world and don't really see a need to help.
I recently sent a link out to some of my lists asking for them to help me win a contest. It's a popularity contest basically because your friends pick the winner. The winner either gets $1,000 or the grand prize is $10,000. I also added in my email that I was planning on using whatever the amount won would be towards bringing our little girl home from China. I had 2 lists become very angry because asking for help, doing fundraising, or talking about orphans bothers certain people. Not that I asked them to pay for anything, just to click on a link and take a moment of their time to help me try to win.
I watched in awe today to see a man walking down the street neck high in the water in New Orleans. I was there once for a convention. I can't imagine living in the astrodome until we were able to rebuild our home and lives. What about your job? Will it be there when the water goes away? Where do you get mail, or how do you overcome that kind of hardship?
Brett Farve ( a Packer hero in my area) has family there and he's bringing supplies personally down to help the people. I like that better than asking for CASH. Amazing people will help them, I felt the need to help too.....but what about our little girl in the orphanage?
She's cold, alone, and without medical assistance. She needs eye surgery as soon as we bring her home from China. She's just as much in need, maybe more because she has no one to comfort her and tell her everything will be okay.
Are some people so numb that they never care about others? I know not everyone has the same beliefs as I do.....but what about the ones that do? Some are cold and numb to helping others as well.
Maybe this is a test from God --who do we choose to help and why? Why did we help this one and not that one? I know we can't begin to help them all --as just one small person, but what if we all helped 3 people? Would that be enough, or would there still be more?
You are the real you --when no one is looking.
A real hero goes unsung.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
If you are reading this and don't know who I am....there is so much to tell. I am a wife, mother, sister, auntie, daughter-in-law, and friend. (I didn't include daughter because my dad doesn't really have a bond with me. His loss--not mine.)
I am very crafty and love quilting and plastic crafts the best. I have tons of ideas and craft patterns but not enough time in life to ever finish them all. I collect brass animals--mostly swans and birds. I also like teapots, ladybugs, redheaded dolls, and teddy bears. I would rather shop at a thrift store, goodwill or Walmart than at any fancy stores. I would say I am a clothes-aholic. I have more clothes than I'll ever wear in a year.
I am a Mommy via adoption, but a Mommy just the same. I love them and spoil them to pieces.
I have a wonderful hubby who found me online a few years ago. We've been married now 6 1/2 years. I'd say he's my best friend and favorite person to go shopping with. :) We have lots in common, but we are very different from each other. I guess we can say we tolerate each others hobbies and have built bridges to common ground.
Monday, August 29, 2005
Welcome to my new blog
I decided to start a blog to put some of my stuff online to share with those that were interested in reading some of my thoughts, dreams, and insights into my life. Also I can share some of the many yahoogroups names and maybe get you to join in on some of the chatting online.
I love the name AVESSELOFHONOR --it inspired me to live a better life and be a better person because God is watching and looking over me. I guess it falls in line with the Proverbs 31 woman ideas. We decided to name our homeschooling school (Avesselofhonor) in hopes that we raise children who can stand as leaders among their friends and can become a beacon of light to those that need a Christian friend.
Welcome to my blog.
August 29th --is my birthday, what a great day also to birth a new blog.